我对 XSLT 完全陌生,所以不要介意我询问基本的事情。我需要准备一个将发送到 Adobe InDesign 服务器的 xml。在 html 文件(代表我需要转换为 xml 并使用 XSLT 转换发送到 Adobe InDesign 的输入)中,我有以下列表:
<li>Two potential pathophysiologic conditions lead to the clinical findings of HF, namely systolic and/or diastolic heart dysfunction.
<li>Systolic dysfunction: an <i>inotropic</i> abnormality, due to myocardial infarction (MI) or dilated or ischemic cardiomyopathy (CM), resulting in diminished systolic emptying (ejection fraction <45%).</li>
<li>Diastolic dysfunction: a <i>compliance</i> abnormality, due to hypertensive CM, in which ventricular relaxation is impaired (ejection fraction >45%), resulting in decreased filling.</li>
<li>In an attempt to adopt a more pragmatic classification system, one that has been accepted by both the European and American HF guidelines, the terms HF with reduced, midrange, or preserved LVEF (HFrEF, HFmrEF, and HFpEF, respectively) have been adopted recently.</li>
</ul> </li> </ul>
<xsl:template match="li[not(descendant::p) and not(ancestor::section[@class='references' or @class='References'])]" mode="li-pass1">
<xsl:variable name="depth" select="count(ancestor::li) + 1"/>
<xsl:variable name="listType">
<xsl:when test="parent::ol">
<xsl:value-of select="'NL'"/>
<xsl:value-of select="'BL'"/>
<ParagraphStyleRange AppliedParagraphStyle="ParagraphStyle/{$listType}{if ($depth eq 1) then '' else $depth}">
<xsl:copy-of select="./text() | descendant::span/text() | descendant::i/text()"/>
我得到以下输出,在 BL 和 BL2 之间有不需要的间距:
<ParagraphStyleRange AppliedParagraphStyle="ParagraphStyle/BL">
<CharacterStyleRange AppliedCharacterStyle="CharacterStyle/$ID/[No character style]">
<Content>Two potential pathophysiologic conditions lead to the clinical findings of HF, namely systolic and/or diastolic heart dysfunction.
<ParagraphStyleRange AppliedParagraphStyle="ParagraphStyle/BL2">
<CharacterStyleRange AppliedCharacterStyle="CharacterStyle/$ID/[No character style]">
<Content>Systolic dysfunction: an inotropic abnormality, due to myocardial infarction MI) or dilated or ischemic cardiomyopathy (CM), resulting in diminished systolic emptying (ejection fraction <45%).</Content>
<ParagraphStyleRange AppliedParagraphStyle="ParagraphStyle/BL2">
<CharacterStyleRange AppliedCharacterStyle="CharacterStyle/$ID/[No character style]">
<Content>Diastolic dysfunction: a compliance abnormality, due to hypertensive CM, in which ventricular relaxation is impaired (ejection fraction >45%), resulting in decreased filling.</Content>
我应该在 xml 中得到以下输出:
<ParagraphStyleRange AppliedParagraphStyle="ParagraphStyle/BL">
<CharacterStyleRange AppliedCharacterStyle="CharacterStyle/$ID/[No character style]">
<Content>Two potential pathophysiologic conditions lead to the clinical findings of HF, namely systolic and/or diastolic heart dysfunction.</Content>
<ParagraphStyleRange AppliedParagraphStyle="ParagraphStyle/BL2">
<CharacterStyleRange AppliedCharacterStyle="CharacterStyle/$ID/[No character style]">
<Content>Systolic dysfunction: an inotropic abnormality, due to myocardial infarction MI) or dilated or ischemic cardiomyopathy (CM), resulting in diminished systolic emptying (ejection fraction <45%).</Content>
<ParagraphStyleRange AppliedParagraphStyle="ParagraphStyle/BL2">
<CharacterStyleRange AppliedCharacterStyle="CharacterStyle/$ID/[No character style]">
<Content>Diastolic dysfunction: a compliance abnormality, due to hypertensive CM, in which ventricular relaxation is impaired (ejection fraction >45%), resulting in decreased filling.</Content>
<Content>Two potential pathophysiologic conditions lead to the clinical findings of HF, namely systolic and/or diastolic heart dysfunction.
<Content>Two potential pathophysiologic conditions lead to the clinical findings of HF, namely systolic and/or diastolic heart dysfunction.</Content>
我认为在第一个转换之后我需要另一个 xslt 转换,一旦我得到“内容”标签,我就能以某种方式删除这个奇怪的间距。我尝试的是:
<xsl:template match="text()[parent::Content]" mode="li-pass1" priority="2">
<xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(translate(., ' ', ' '))"/>