我正在研究冈崎的纯功能数据结构并尝试构建 F# 实现。我也在完成书中列出的练习(有些非常具有挑战性)。好吧,我坚持练习 3.4,它要求修改 WeightBiasedLeftistHeap 的合并函数,使其在单遍中执行,而不是原来的 2 遍实现。
我还没有弄清楚如何做到这一点,并希望得到一些建议。SO上有另一篇文章,其中一个人通过几乎内联makeT函数在SML中做到这一点。我开始走这条路线(在评论的第 3.4 节第一次尝试中。但放弃了这种方法,因为我认为这真的不是一次执行(它仍然会'直到到达叶子然后展开并重建树)。我将其解释为仍然是两次合并是错误的吗?
这是我完整实现 WeightBiasedLeftistHeap 的链接。
这是我在 F# 中失败的尝试:
type Heap<'a> =
| E
| T of int * 'a * Heap<'a> * Heap<'a>
module WeightBiasedLeftistHeap =
exception EmptyException
let weight h =
match h with
| E -> 0
| T(w, _,_,_) -> w
let makeT x a b =
let weightA = weight a
let weightB = weight b
if weightA >= weightB then
T(weightA + weightB + 1, x, a, b)
T(weightA + weightB + 1, x, b, a)
// excercise 3.4 first try
// let rec merge3_4 l r =
// match l,r with
// | l,E -> l
// | E,r -> r
// | T(_, lx, la, lb) as lh, (T(_, rx, ra, rb) as rh) ->
// if lx <= rx then
// let right = merge3_4 lb rh
// let weightA = weight la
// let weightB = weight right
// if weightA >= weightB then
// T(weightA + weightB + 1, lx, la, right)
// else
// T(weightA + weightB + 1, lx, right, la)
// else
// let right = merge3_4 lh rb
// let weightA = weight ra
// let weightB = weight right
// if weightA >= weightB then
// T(weightA + weightB + 1, rx, ra, right)
// else
// T(weightA + weightB + 1, rx, right, ra)
// excercise 3.4 second try (fail!)
// this doesn't work, I couldn't figure out how to do this in a single pass
let merge3_4 l r =
let rec merge' l r value leftChild =
match l,r with
| l,E -> makeT value leftChild l
| E,r -> makeT value leftChild r
| T(_, lx, la, lb) as lh, (T(_, rx, ra, rb) as rh) ->
if lx <= rx then
merge' lb rh lx la //(fun h -> makeT(lx, la, h))
merge' lh rb rx ra //(fun h -> makeT(rx, ra, h))
match l, r with
| l, E -> l
| E, r -> r
| T(_, lx, la, lb) as lh, (T(_, rx, ra, rb) as rh) ->
let lf = fun h -> makeT(lx, la, h)
if lx <= rx then
merge' lb rh lx la // (fun h -> makeT(lx, la, h))
merge' lh rb rx ra // (fun h -> makeT(rx, ra, h))
let rec merge l r =
match l,r with
| l,E -> l
| E,r -> r
| T(_, lx, la, lb) as lh, (T(_, rx, ra, rb) as rh) ->
if lx <= rx then
makeT lx la (merge lb rh)
makeT rx ra (merge lh rb)
let insert3_4 x h =
merge3_4 (T(1,x,E,E)) h