我正在尝试使用 OpenSSL 编译 WebRTC M85,并且我必须编辑一些 BUILD.gn 文件以将硬编码的依赖项修改为 BoringSSL。
gn gen "intermediate/" --args="target_cpu=\"x64\" rtc_build_ssl=false rtc_ssl_root=\"path/to/openssl/include\""
ERROR at //third_party/libsrtp/BUILD.gn:118:7: Undefined identifier
if (rtc_build_ssl) {
See //pc/BUILD.gn:135:15: which caused the file to be included.
deps += [ "//third_party/libsrtp" ]
third_party/libsrtp/BUILD.gn 中的代码:
static_library("libsrtp") {
if (rtc_build_ssl) {
public_deps += [ "//third_party/boringssl:boringssl" ]
通过 pc/BUILD.gn 调用third_party/libsrtp/BUILD.gn:
rtc_library("rtc_pc_base") {
visibility = [ "*" ]
if (rtc_build_libsrtp) {
deps += [ "//third_party/libsrtp" ]
并且 pc/BUILD.gn 直接加载到根 BUILD.gn 中:
if (!build_with_chromium) {
# Target to build all the WebRTC production code.
rtc_static_library("webrtc") {
deps = [
因此,似乎在 BUILD.gn 文件中的其他任何地方都可以使用的参数 rtc_build_ssl 没有填充到这个 third_party/libsrtp/BUILD.gn
我对 GN 文件不熟悉,是否需要添加一些内容才能使参数在子包含文件中保持定义?