在计算简单的最大夏普比率投资组合权重时,我在 PortfolioAnalytics 中遇到了一个问题:

Error in max_sr_opt(R = R, constraints = constraints, moments = moments,  : 
 Objective function failed with message
Error in optimize(f = sharpe_obj_fun, R = R, constraints = constraints,  : 
 'xmin' not less than 'xmax'



returnsText <- '

returns <- as.xts(read.zoo(file=textConnection(returnsText), index.column="date", read=read.csv))

portfolioSpec <- portfolio.spec(assets=colnames(returns))
portfolioSpec <- add.constraint(portfolio=portfolioSpec, type="full_investment", enabled=TRUE)
portfolioSpec <- add.constraint(portfolio=portfolioSpec, type="box", min=0.0, max=1.0, enabled=TRUE)
portfolioSpec <- add.objective(portfolio=portfolioSpec, type="return", name="mean", enabled=TRUE, multiplier=-1)
portfolioSpec <- add.objective(portfolio=portfolioSpec, type="risk", name="StdDev", enabled=TRUE, multiplier=1, risk_aversion=1e-9)

maxSROpt <- optimize.portfolio(R=returns,

当我运行此代码时,R 控制台中的输出是:

> library(PortfolioAnalytics)
Loading required package: zoo

Attaching package: ‘zoo’

The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    as.Date, as.Date.numeric

Loading required package: xts
Loading required package: foreach
Loading required package: PerformanceAnalytics

Attaching package: ‘PerformanceAnalytics’

The following object is masked from ‘package:graphics’:


> returnsText <- '
+ "date","NEAR","MINT"
+ "2014-07-01",0.000161110006774212,-9.86193284648884e-05
+ "2014-07-02",-0.000218949044995531,0.000197258111483523
+ "2014-07-03",-0.000378267533203247,9.86096047428386e-05
+ "2014-07-07",0,-9.85998818474609e-05
+ "2015-06-25",-0.000199640648122834,-9.87947053479044e-05
+ "2015-06-26",0.000998402555793199,0.000197608932327231
+ "2015-06-29",-0.000173548771514542,9.87849448337297e-05
+ "2015-06-30",0.00037309487145154,-0.00018767285625676
+ '
> returns <- as.xts(read.zoo(file=textConnection(returnsText), index.column="date", read=read.csv))
> portfolioSpec <- portfolio.spec(assets=colnames(returns))
> portfolioSpec <- add.constraint(portfolio=portfolioSpec, type="full_investment", enabled=TRUE)
> portfolioSpec <- add.constraint(portfolio=portfolioSpec, type="box", min=0.0, max=1.0, enabled=TRUE)
> portfolioSpec <- add.objective(portfolio=portfolioSpec, type="return", name="mean", enabled=TRUE, multiplier=-1)
> portfolioSpec <- add.objective(portfolio=portfolioSpec, type="risk", name="StdDev", enabled=TRUE, multiplier=1, risk_aversion=1e-9)
> maxSROpt <- optimize.portfolio(R=returns,
+                              portfolio=portfolioSpec,
+                              optimize_method="ROI",
+                              maxSR=TRUE,
+                              trace=TRUE)
Registered S3 method overwritten by 'ROI':
  method           from              
  print.constraint PortfolioAnalytics
Error in max_sr_opt(R = R, constraints = constraints, moments = moments,  : 
  Objective function failed with message
 Error in optimize(f = sharpe_obj_fun, R = R, constraints = constraints,  : 
  'xmin' not less than 'xmax'

使用纯 ROI,如下面的 R 控制台输出所示,我使用相同的返回对象:

> library("ROI")
> library("ROI.plugin.glpk")
> sharpe_objective <- function(r_mat, rf = 0){
+   N <- NCOL(r_mat)
+   S <- NROW(r_mat)
+   mu <- colMeans(r_mat)
+   Amat <- rbind(c(mu - rf, 0),
+           c(rep(0, N), 1),
+           c(rep(1, N), -1))
+   var.names <- c(paste0("y_sharpe_aux", seq_len(N)), "kappa_sharpe")
+   constraint <- L_constraint(L = Amat, dir = c("==", ">", "=="),
+           rhs = c(1, 0, 0), names = var.names)
+   mat <- matrix(0, ncol = N + 1, nrow = N + 1)
+   mat[1:N, 1:N] <- 2 * cov(r_mat)
+   mat[N + 1, N + 1] <-  1e-04
+   objective <- Q_objective(Q = - mat, L = c(rep(0, N), 0))
+   list(objective = objective, constraint = constraint)     
+ }
> N <- NCOL(returns)
> tmp <-sharpe_objective(returns)
> lp <- OP(maximum=TRUE)
> objective(lp) <- tmp$objective
> mat <- cbind(diag(N),  1)
> shortsell_constraint <- L_constraint(mat, dir = rep(">=", N), rhs = rep(0, N))
> constraints(lp) <- rbind(tmp$constraint, shortsell_constraint)
> bounds(lp) <- V_bound(li = seq_len(N +1), lb = c(rep(-Inf, N), 0))
> (sol <- ROI_solve(lp, solver = "quadprog"))
Optimal solution found.
The objective value is: -9.586494e+04
> sol_sharpe <- solution(sol)
> x_opt <- round(sol_sharpe[1:2]/sol_sharpe["kappa_sharpe"], 3)
> names(x_opt) <- colnames(returns)
> x_opt
0.585 0.415 

我在 Github PortfolioAnalyrics 包上打开了一个问题https://github.com/braverock/PortfolioAnalytics/issues/26并询问了https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-finance/2020q3/014982.html在 R-SIG-Finance 中,但没有收到任何答复。任何解决方案或解决方法的想法都值得赞赏。


# This function uses optimize() to find the target return value that 
# results in the maximum sharpe ratio (mean / sd).
# returns the target return value
max_sr_opt <- function(R, constraints, moments, lambda_hhi, conc_groups, solver, control){
  # create a copy of the moments that can be modified
  tmp_moments <- moments
  # Find the maximum return
  max_ret <- maxret_opt(R=R, moments=moments, constraints=constraints, 
                        target=NA, solver="glpk", control=control)
  max_mean <- as.numeric(-max_ret$out)
  # Find the minimum return
  tmp_moments$mean <- -1 * moments$mean
  min_ret <- maxret_opt(R=R, moments=tmp_moments, constraints=constraints, 
                        target=NA, solver="glpk", control=control)
  min_mean <- as.numeric(min_ret$out)
  # use optimize() to find the target return value that maximizes sharpe ratio
  opt <- try(optimize(f=sharpe_obj_fun, R=R, constraints=constraints, 
                      solver=solver, lambda_hhi=lambda_hhi, 
                      conc_groups=conc_groups, moments=moments, control=control,
                      lower=min_mean, upper=max_mean, 
                      maximum=TRUE, tol=.Machine$double.eps), 
  if(inherits(opt, "try-error")){
    stop(paste("Objective function failed with message\n", opt))



  if (max_mean == min_mean) {
    epsilon <- 0.01
    max_mean <- max_mean*(1.0 + epsilon)
    min_mean <- min_mean*(1.0 - epsilon)


# epsilon <- 0.01
#> extractWeights(maxSROpt)
#NA   NA 

# epsilon <- 0.001
#> extractWeights(maxSROpt)
#NEAR      MINT 
#0.4452578 0.5547422 

# epsilon <- 0.0001
#> extractWeights(maxSROpt)
#NEAR      MINT 
#0.8923873 0.1076127 

# epsilon <- 0.00001
#> extractWeights(maxSROpt)
#NEAR       MINT 
#0.98926189 0.01073811 

# epsilon <- 0.000001
#> extractWeights(maxSROpt)
#NEAR        MINT 
#0.998951981 0.001048019 

# epsilon <- 0.0000001
#> extractWeights(maxSROpt)
#NEAR         MINT 
#9.999111e-01 8.890042e-05 



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