I am trying to add 3d images to Bing maps, however I do not have an internet connection at my work pc and I would like to know how I could work on adding things to bing maps when no internet is available. Is there a way I can download samples of bing map that allow me to work with bing map and the bing map api?



2 回答 2


Whilst technically easy to do, the Bing Maps Terms of Use explicitly prohibit creating a local copy of the API or any Bing Maps content (with no internet connection, you'd also need to create a local copy of all the base map tiles that would normally be served to the client) - see http://www.microsoft.com/maps/product/terms.html

The only legal way of creating a local Bing Maps installation with no internet connection that I'm aware of is by purchasing a licence for the Bing Maps Server provided by Vexcel - http://www.vexcel.com/geospatial/bingmapsserver/index.asp. However, don't expect it to be cheap...

于 2011-06-13T16:46:56.087 回答

From the Vexcel website's FAQ:

Q. Can I import DEM’s or 3D models into Bing Maps Server or Bing Maps Desktop?

A. This capability is under development.

By the way, Vexcel Corporation, as Microsoft’s geospatial subsidiary, is the exclusive provider of the Bing Maps Server.

于 2011-12-07T22:43:46.167 回答