我正在尝试实现此处描述的 MTProto 传输混淆功能。
我已经按照每个字母的说明字母进行操作,但无济于事:发送数据,例如 for ReqPqMulti
初始化有效负载和 AES 密码创建如下。另见评论。
fun buildInitPayload(header: Byte?): Pair<AES, ByteArray> {
// Add the padded transport header to the reserved words
val reservedWords = if (header != null) {
reservedWords + byteArrayOf(header, header, header, header)
} else {
val primaryPayload = ByteArray(64)
val secureRandom = SecureRandom()
// Generate 64-byte random initialization payload
do {
} while (!isInitPayloadValid(reservedWords, primaryPayload))
if (header != null) {
primaryPayload[56] = header
primaryPayload[57] = header
primaryPayload[58] = header
primaryPayload[59] = header
// Extract two keys from both initialization payloads, using bytes at offsets 8-40:
// the key extracted from the primary payload is used as encryption key
val encryptionKey = primaryPayload.copyOfRange(8, 40)
// Generate a secondary initialization payload by reversing the primary payload
val secondaryPayload = ByteArray(48)
for (i in 0..47) secondaryPayload[i] = primaryPayload[55 - i]
// The key extracted from the secondary payload is used as decryption key
val decryptionKey = secondaryPayload.copyOf(32)
// Extract two IVs from both initialization payloads, using bytes at offsets 40-56:
// the IV extracted from the primary payload is used as encryption IV,
// the IV extracted from the secondary payload is used as decryption IV.
val encryptionIV = primaryPayload.copyOfRange(40, 56)
val decryptionIV = secondaryPayload.copyOfRange(32, 48)
val aes = AES(encryptionKey, encryptionIV, decryptionKey, decryptionIV)
val encryptedPayload = aes.encryptCTR(primaryPayload)
return aes to primaryPayload.copyOf(56) + encryptedPayload.copyFrom(56)
AES-CTR 密码使用初始化
private val encryptionCipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CTR/NoPadding")
init {
SecretKeySpec(encryptionKey, "AES"),
使用 Abridged 传输(非混淆)可以正常工作。