我是 frappe 框架的新手。我按照 FrappeFramework 网站上的说明安装了所有东西,没有出现任何重大问题。但执行后
bench start
它仍然存在Rebuilding data_import_tools.min.js
我什至让我的 Mac 运行了几个小时,但它仍然不会进一步发展。此外,该过程中没有显示错误。所以我无法弄清楚到底出了什么问题。
附上我的命令和这个问题的o / p。
user1@MacBook-Pro frappe-bench % bench start
WARN: bench is installed in editable mode!
This is not the recommended mode of installation for production. Instead, install the package from PyPI with: `pip install frappe-bench`
/Users/user1/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py:844: RuntimeWarning: line buffering (buffering=1) isn't supported in binary mode, the default buffer size will be used
self.stdout = io.open(c2pread, 'rb', bufsize)
08:17:05 system | redis_cache.1 started (pid=857)
/Users/user1/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py:844: RuntimeWarning: line buffering (buffering=1) isn't supported in binary mode, the default buffer size will be used
self.stdout = io.open(c2pread, 'rb', bufsize)
/Users/user1/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py:844: RuntimeWarning: line buffering (buffering=1) isn't supported in binary mode, the default buffer size will be used
self.stdout = io.open(c2pread, 'rb', bufsize)
/Users/user1/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py:844: RuntimeWarning: line buffering (buffering=1) isn't supported in binary mode, the default buffer size will be used
self.stdout = io.open(c2pread, 'rb', bufsize)
/Users/user1/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py:844: RuntimeWarning: line buffering (buffering=1) isn't supported in binary mode, the default buffer size will be used
self.stdout = io.open(c2pread, 'rb', bufsize)
08:17:05 system | redis_socketio.1 started (pid=858)
08:17:05 system | worker_default.1 started (pid=859)
08:17:05 system | socketio.1 started (pid=860)
08:17:05 system | worker_short.1 started (pid=861)
/Users/user1/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py:844: RuntimeWarning: line buffering (buffering=1) isn't supported in binary mode, the default buffer size will be used
self.stdout = io.open(c2pread, 'rb', bufsize)
/Users/user1/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py:844: RuntimeWarning: line buffering (buffering=1) isn't supported in binary mode, the default buffer size will be used
self.stdout = io.open(c2pread, 'rb', bufsize)
/Users/user1/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py:844: RuntimeWarning: line buffering (buffering=1) isn't supported in binary mode, the default buffer size will be used
self.stdout = io.open(c2pread, 'rb', bufsize)
08:17:05 redis_socketio.1 | 858:C 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.314 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
08:17:05 redis_cache.1 | 857:C 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.314 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
08:17:05 redis_cache.1 | 857:C 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.314 # Redis version=6.0.6, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=857, just started
08:17:05 redis_socketio.1 | 858:C 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.314 # Redis version=6.0.6, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=858, just started
08:17:05 redis_cache.1 | 857:C 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.314 # Configuration loaded
08:17:05 redis_socketio.1 | 858:C 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.314 # Configuration loaded
08:17:05 redis_cache.1 | 857:M 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.315 * Increased maximum number of open files to 10032 (it was originally set to 256).
08:17:05 redis_socketio.1 | 858:M 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.315 * Increased maximum number of open files to 10032 (it was originally set to 256).
08:17:05 redis_cache.1 | 857:M 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.319 * Running mode=standalone, port=13000.
08:17:05 redis_socketio.1 | 858:M 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.319 * Running mode=standalone, port=12000.
08:17:05 redis_cache.1 | 857:M 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.319 # Server initialized
08:17:05 redis_socketio.1 | 858:M 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.319 # Server initialized
08:17:05 redis_cache.1 | 857:M 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.319 * Ready to accept connections
08:17:05 redis_socketio.1 | 858:M 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.319 * Ready to accept connections
08:17:05 system | web.1 started (pid=865)
08:17:05 system | watch.1 started (pid=866)
/Users/user1/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py:844: RuntimeWarning: line buffering (buffering=1) isn't supported in binary mode, the default buffer size will be used
self.stdout = io.open(c2pread, 'rb', bufsize)
08:17:05 system | redis_queue.1 started (pid=864)
08:17:05 redis_queue.1 | 864:C 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.327 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
08:17:05 redis_queue.1 | 864:C 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.327 # Redis version=6.0.6, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=864, just started
08:17:05 redis_queue.1 | 864:C 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.327 # Configuration loaded
08:17:05 redis_queue.1 | 864:M 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.329 * Increased maximum number of open files to 10032 (it was originally set to 256).
08:17:05 redis_queue.1 | 864:M 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.330 * Running mode=standalone, port=11000.
08:17:05 redis_queue.1 | 864:M 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.330 # Server initialized
08:17:05 redis_queue.1 | 864:M 31 Jul 2020 08:17:05.330 * Ready to accept connections
08:17:05 system | schedule.1 started (pid=867)
/Users/user1/.pyenv/versions/3.8.5/lib/python3.8/subprocess.py:844: RuntimeWarning: line buffering (buffering=1) isn't supported in binary mode, the default buffer size will be used
self.stdout = io.open(c2pread, 'rb', bufsize)
08:17:05 system | worker_long.1 started (pid=868)
08:17:05 schedule.1 | WARN: bench is installed in editable mode!
08:17:05 schedule.1 |
08:17:05 schedule.1 | This is not the recommended mode of installation for production. Instead, install the package from PyPI with: `pip install frappe-bench`
08:17:05 schedule.1 |
08:17:05 watch.1 | WARN: bench is installed in editable mode!
08:17:05 watch.1 |
08:17:05 watch.1 | This is not the recommended mode of installation for production. Instead, install the package from PyPI with: `pip install frappe-bench`
08:17:05 watch.1 |
08:17:05 web.1 | WARN: bench is installed in editable mode!
08:17:05 web.1 |
08:17:05 web.1 | This is not the recommended mode of installation for production. Instead, install the package from PyPI with: `pip install frappe-bench`
08:17:05 web.1 |
08:17:07 web.1 | * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
08:17:07 web.1 | * Restarting with fsevents reloader
08:17:08 web.1 | * Debugger is active!
08:17:08 web.1 | * Debugger PIN: 351-662-683
08:17:09 socketio.1 | listening on *: 9000
08:17:12 watch.1 | yarn run v1.22.4
08:17:12 watch.1 | $ node rollup/watch.js
08:17:13 watch.1 |
08:17:13 watch.1 | Rollup Watcher Started
08:17:13 watch.1 |
08:17:13 watch.1 | Watching...
08:17:14 watch.1 | Rebuilding frappe-web-b4.css
08:17:14 watch.1 | Rebuilding frappe-chat-web.css
08:17:14 watch.1 | Rebuilding chat.js
08:17:15 watch.1 | Rebuilding frappe-recorder.min.js
08:17:17 watch.1 | Rebuilding checkout.min.js
08:17:17 watch.1 | Rebuilding frappe-web.min.js
08:17:18 watch.1 | Rebuilding bootstrap-4-web.min.js
08:17:18 watch.1 | Rebuilding control.min.js
08:17:20 watch.1 | Rebuilding dialog.min.js
08:17:21 watch.1 | Rebuilding desk.min.css
08:17:21 watch.1 | Rebuilding frappe-rtl.css
08:17:22 watch.1 | Rebuilding printview.css
08:17:22 watch.1 | Rebuilding desk.min.js
08:17:25 watch.1 | Rebuilding form.min.css
08:17:25 watch.1 | Rebuilding form.min.js
08:17:26 watch.1 | Rebuilding list.min.css
08:17:26 watch.1 | Rebuilding list.min.js
08:17:27 watch.1 | Rebuilding report.min.css
08:17:27 watch.1 | Rebuilding report.min.js
08:17:28 watch.1 | Rebuilding web_form.min.js
08:17:28 watch.1 | Rebuilding web_form.css
08:17:28 watch.1 | Rebuilding email.css
08:17:28 watch.1 | Rebuilding social.min.js
08:17:29 watch.1 | Rebuilding barcode_scanner.min.js
08:17:30 watch.1 | Rebuilding data_import_tools.min.js