我正在使用部署组将 .NET Core 控制台应用程序部署到本地 VM。为了注册目标,我在 VM 上运行 PAT。有没有办法可以使用服务帐户生成 PAT 并使用它来注册 VM 而不是我的个人帐户?

我用这篇文章作为指导。 https://medium.com/@samjwright/automating-deployments-to-on-premis-servers-with-azure-devops-bb0e6cac4656


1 回答 1


Is there a way I can use a Service Account to generate the PAT and use that to register the VM instead of my personal account?

If you can use the service account to log in, then you can also create PAT with proper scopes in the user settings of the service account. You can refer to this ticket.

In addition, PAT is only used during registration of agent. The identity of agent pool administrator is needed ONLY at the time of registration and is not persisted on the agent, nor is used in any further communication between the agent and Azure Pipelines or TFS. Once the registration is complete, the agent downloads a listener OAuth token and uses it to listen to the job queue.

于 2020-07-31T08:28:43.617 回答