我正在尝试使用我的模拟器运行我的 Android Studio 应用程序。但是当我尝试运行它时,模拟器只显示如下: 模拟器卡在任务栏 - Windows 10 虽然我创建了多个虚拟设备..所有这些都有相同的问题。可悲的是,我无法控制我的模拟器,除非我将鼠标悬停在它上面,然后只显示模拟器的屏幕,但视图被最小化,一旦我将鼠标移开,或者即使我双击屏幕也没有任何反应。顺便说一句,我使用的是 Windows 10 和 Android Studio 3.6.3。我的问题类似于Android Studio 模拟器卡在任务栏中最小化。但是这个问题对我解决我的问题没有帮助。


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    - Press SHIFT+CTRL

     - Right Click on the Program showing up in the taskbar.

     - Select the "Move" Window option

     - Use the keyboard (Left Arrow/Right Arrow)  <-/ -> keys to move the window to the center of the screen.

     - Try holding down the left arrow key  for a while to see the Window outline. Try moving right/up/down if the window outline is still not visible.

     - Hit enter when you can see the Window outline  move  to the center of the screen.

It appears that the desktop extends beyond the Screen Display and the program window seems hidden. Moving the Window either to the Left / Right / Top/ Bottom of the screen helps.


于 2020-07-27T12:44:46.903 回答