我正在使用以下配置连接到 IMS ST 服务器,它工作正常:-
<connectionFactory id="ims" jndiName="eis/IMSSyncNonPersistent">
<properties.imsico91025a dataStoreName="st.datastoreName" hostName="st.hostname" portNumber="st.portnumber"/>
但是当我在 ET 中使用相同的配置时,它会给出上述错误。为了解决这个问题,我在 IBM 文档中查找有关清除策略的错误后使用了以下配置:-
ICO0005E SocketException is thrown when:
A Java client attempts to use a connection for which the underlying socket is no longer connected to IMS Connect. The socket connection might be lost if IMS Connect is recycled, but the application server is not. After IMS Connect is restarted, the connections that were formerly successfully connected to IMS Connect are still in the connection pool. As clients attempt to reuse each of these connections, the exception java.net.SocketException is thrown, and the connection object is removed from the connection pool.
You can change this behavior in WebSphere Application Server by setting the purge policy of the connection factory that is used by the Java application to the entire pool.
<authData id="et.authalias" user="et.username" password="et.password"/>
<connectionFactory id="ims" authDataAlias="et.authalias" jndiName="eis/IMSSyncNonPersistent" purgePolicy="EntirePool" maxPoolSize="50">
<properties.imsico91025a dataStoreName="et.datastore" hostName="et.hostname" portNumber="et.portnumber"/>