关于以下SO 答案。为了了解使用 Contextvars 和不使用 Contextvars 之间的区别,我进行了一些更改。


import asyncio
import contextvars

# declare context var
request_id = contextvars.ContextVar('Id of request.')

async def some_inner_coroutine(myid):
    # get value
    print('Processed inner coroutine of myid   : {}'.format(myid))
    print('Processed inner coroutine of request: {}'.format(request_id.get()))
    if myid != request_id.get():

async def some_outer_coroutine(req_id):
    # set value

    await some_inner_coroutine(req_id)

    # get value
    print('Processed outer coroutine of request: {}'.format(request_id.get()))

async def main():
    tasks = []
    for req_id in range(1, 1250):

    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Processed inner coroutine of myid   : 1
Processed inner coroutine of request: 1
Processed outer coroutine of request: 1
Processed inner coroutine of myid   : 2
Processed inner coroutine of request: 2
Processed outer coroutine of request: 2
Processed inner coroutine of myid   : 3
Processed inner coroutine of request: 3
Processed outer coroutine of request: 3
Processed inner coroutine of myid   : 4
Processed inner coroutine of request: 4
Processed outer coroutine of request: 4
Processed inner coroutine of myid   : 1244
Processed inner coroutine of request: 1244
Processed outer coroutine of request: 1244
Processed inner coroutine of myid   : 1245
Processed inner coroutine of request: 1245
Processed outer coroutine of request: 1245
Processed inner coroutine of myid   : 1246
Processed inner coroutine of request: 1246
Processed outer coroutine of request: 1246
Processed inner coroutine of myid   : 1247
Processed inner coroutine of request: 1247
Processed outer coroutine of request: 1247
Processed inner coroutine of myid   : 1248
Processed inner coroutine of request: 1248
Processed outer coroutine of request: 1248
Processed inner coroutine of myid   : 1249
Processed inner coroutine of request: 1249
Processed outer coroutine of request: 1249



1 回答 1



上下文变量是本机支持的asyncio,无需任何额外配置即可使用。因为在Task创建 a 时,它会复制当前上下文,然后在复制的上下文中运行其协程:

# asyncio/task.py
class Task:
    def __init__(self, coro):
        # Get the current context snapshot.
        self._context = contextvars.copy_context()
        self._loop.call_soon(self._step, context=self._context)

    def _step(self, exc=None):
        # Every advance of the wrapped coroutine is done in
        # the task's context.
        self._loop.call_soon(self._step, context=self._context)


import asyncio
import contextvars

# declare context var
current_request_id_ctx = contextvars.ContextVar('')
current_request_id_global = ''

async def some_inner_coroutine():
    global current_request_id_global

    # simulate some async work
    await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

    # get value
    print('Processed inner coroutine of request: {}'.format(current_request_id_ctx.get()))
    if current_request_id_global != current_request_id_ctx.get():
        print(f"ERROR! global var={current_request_id_global}")

async def some_outer_coroutine(req_id):
    global current_request_id_global

    # set value
    current_request_id_global = req_id

    await some_inner_coroutine()

    # get value
    print('Processed outer coroutine of request: {}\n'.format(current_request_id_ctx.get()))

async def main():
    tasks = []
    for req_id in range(1, 10000):

    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Processed inner coroutine of request: 458
ERROR! global var=9999
Processed outer coroutine of request: 458

Processed inner coroutine of request: 459
ERROR! global var=9999
Processed outer coroutine of request: 459

threading.local()可以在PЕP 567中找到使用的转换代码示例

于 2020-07-28T09:38:50.597 回答