我正在尝试为限速行为创建一个测试计划。我设置了一个规则,在每分钟 X 个请求后阻塞,我想检查我是否得到响应代码 200,直到我达到 X 个请求,然后得到 429。我创建了一个在所有线程之间共享的计数器,但是这似乎是一团糟,因为它不是线程安全的。
这是我的 beanshell“一次唯一的控制器”:
String props_pre_fix = ${section_id} + "-" + ${START.HMS};
props.remove("props_pre_fix" + ${section_id}, props_pre_fix);
props.put("props_pre_fix" + ${section_id}, props_pre_fix);
props.put(props_pre_fix + "_last_response_code", "200");
props.put(props_pre_fix + "_my_counter", "0");
这是 beanshell 断言:
String props_pre_fix = props.get("props_pre_fix" + ${section_id});
//log.info("props_pre_fix " + props_pre_fix);
//extract my counter from props
int my_counter = Integer.parseInt(props.get(props_pre_fix + "_my_counter"));
//extract last response code
String last_response_code = props.get(props_pre_fix + "_last_response_code");
log.info("last_response_code " + last_response_code);
//if last seconds is greater than current seconds it means we are in a new minute - set counter to zero
if(last_response_code.equals("429") && ResponseCode.equals("200")){
log.info("we moved to a new minute - my_counter should be zero");
my_counter = 0;
//increase counter
log.info("set counter with value: " + my_counter);
//save counter
props.put(props_pre_fix + "_my_counter", my_counter + "");
log.info("counter has set with value: " + my_counter);
if (ResponseCode.equals("200")) {
props.put(props_pre_fix + "_last_response_code", "200");
if(my_counter <= ${current_limit}){
Failure = false;
else {
Failure = true;
FailureMessage = "leakage of " + (my_counter - ${current_limit}) + " requests";
else if (ResponseCode.equals("429")) {
props.put(props_pre_fix + "_last_response_code", "429");
if(my_counter > ${current_limit}){
Failure = false;