我有一个显示 2 个日历的 FullCalendar 库的小代码。一个在第一个选项卡上,一个在第二个选项卡上。两个日历都会显示,但是,在页面加载时不可见的日历没有正确显示。


完整代码:https ://codepen.io/MadBoyEvo/pen/rNxQQYP


<script type="text/javascript">var tabs = tabbis.init({
        tabGroup: "[data-tabs]",
        paneGroup: "[data-panes]",
        tabActive: "active",
        paneActive: "active",
        callback: function (tab, pane) {
            // console.log("TAB id:" + tab.id);
            // console.log(pane.id);
            // console.log(tableid);
            // this makes sure to refresh tables on tab change to make sure they have buttons and everything
            // it's a bit heavy as it touches all tables, may require some improvements in future to consider
            // which tab has which table
            try {
                var tableid = document.getElementById(tab.id + "-Content").querySelector('table[id^="DT-"]').id;
                $("#" + tableid).DataTable().columns.adjust().responsive.recalc();
            } catch (e) {
                console.log('No datatables available.');
            // this code here doesn't work
            var view = $('#Calendar-on26xq0w').fullCalendar('getView');
            alert("The view's title is " + view.title);

    // in theory should take care of removing local storage for tabbis
    // some errors occurs if the local storage is not cleaned after a while
    window.addEventListener("unload", tabbis.remove, false);
</script><!-- JS Elastic Tabbis END -->

错误显示:Uncaught TypeError: $(...).fullCalendar is not a function

我尝试将 calendar.js 脚本从上到下移动到失败但没有任何帮助的脚本代码之前或之后。

我有点 JS 菜鸟,所以我有点不清楚为什么它不起作用。我对 DataTables(Try/catch)使用了类似的方法,它工作正常(如果加载了 DataTable)


我尝试搜索日历 ID - 我可以找到它,但在第 3 行可以看到相同的错误。

var calendarid = document.getElementById(tab.id + "-Content").querySelector('div[id^="Calendar-"]').id;
alert("The calendarid " + calendarid);
var view = $('#' + calendarid).fullCalendar('getView');
alert("The view's title is " + view.title);

3 回答 3


感谢@ADyson 的评论,我能够理解我的问题:

  • FullCalendar V5 没有我尝试使用的方法

如果您根据标签使用 fullcalendar v5,那么 $('#Calendar-on26xq0w').fullCalendar 将永远无法工作 - 这是 fullCalendar v3 的语法(当它是一个 jQuery 插件时,因此 jQuery 样式选择器初始化对象)。如果您想调用 v4 或 v5 中的方法,那么您需要引用在初始化日历时创建的对象,然后要获取当前视图,您可以简单地编写 calendar.view(它是属性而不是函数) - 请参阅fullcalendar.io/docs/Calendar-view 。(在 v5 中也没有 getView 这样的功能。)


<!-- JS FullCalendar Basic START -->
<script type="text/javascript">var calendarTracker = {

</script><!-- JS FullCalendar Basic END -->
<!-- CSS FullCalendar Basic START -->


<script>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
        var calendarEl = document.getElementById('Calendar-c43nxqpi');
        var calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl,
                "headerToolbar": {
                    "left": "prev,next,today",
                    "right": "dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay,listMonth",
                    "center": "title"
                "initialView": "listWeek",
                "initialDate": "2020-07-20",
                "nowIndicator": true,
                "navLinks": true,
                "businessHours": false,
                "editable": false,
                "events": [
                        "title": "Active Directory Meeting",
                        "description": "We will talk about stuff",
                        "start": "2020-07-20T11:43:35"
                        "title": "Lunch",
                        "description": "Very long lunch",
                        "start": "2020-07-22T08:43:35",
                        "end": "2020-07-23T11:43:35"
                "dayMaxEventRows": true,
                "weekNumbers": true,
                "weekNumberCalculation": "ISO",
                "selectable": true,
                "selectMirror": true,
                "buttonIcons": false,
                "views": {
                    "listWeek": {
                        "buttonText": "list week"
                    "listMonth": {
                        "buttonText": "list month"
                    "listDay": {
                        "buttonText": "list day"
                eventRender: function (info) {
                    var tooltip = new Tooltip(info.el, {
                        title: info.event.extendedProps.description,
                        placement: 'top',
                        trigger: 'hover',
                        container: 'body'
        calendarTracker['Calendar-c43nxqpi'] = calendar;

我已经使用基于它的 html id 的键存储了这个日历对象。

calendarTracker['Calendar-c43nxqpi'] = calendar;


<script type="text/javascript">var tabs = tabbis.init({
    tabGroup: "[data-tabs]",
    paneGroup: "[data-panes]",
    tabActive: "active",
    paneActive: "active",
    callback: function (tab, pane) {
        // We need to make same thing for calendar
        function redrawCalendar(calendar) {
            console.log('Redrawing view for' + calendar.id)

        try {
            var calendar = document.getElementById(tab.id + "-Content").querySelectorAll('div[id^="Calendar-"]');
        } catch (e) {
            console.log('No calendars available.');

// in theory should take care of removing local storage for tabbis
// some errors occurs if the local storage is not cleaned after a while
window.addEventListener("unload", tabbis.remove, false);

我基本上是在给定选项卡上查找所有日历querySelectorAll,然后对于选项卡上的每个日历,我正在运行 redrawCalendar 函数,该函数基于 HTML DOM ID 找到正确的日历对象,并重置其视图以确保视觉部分已启动并再次运行。

于 2020-07-20T09:55:45.327 回答

当用户尝试切换到下一个选项卡时,您可以即时创建calendar2 。监听并基于初始化第二个日历change eventtabcalendarID

 var calendarid = document.getElementById(tab.id + "-Content").querySelector('div[id^="Calendar-"]').id;
                    // alert("The calendarid " + calendarid);
                  if(calendarid == 'Calendar-3fso0g65') {
                  } else {


        function loadCalendarFirst(claendarID) {
          var calendarEl = document.getElementById(claendarID);
                    var calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl,
                            "headerToolbar": {
                                "left": "prev,next,today",
                                "right": "dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay,listMonth",
                                "center": "title"
                            "initialView": "listWeek",
                            "initialDate": "2020-07-19",
                            "nowIndicator": true,
                            "navLinks": true,
                            "businessHours": false,
                            "editable": false,
                            "events": [
                                    "title": "Active Directory Meeting",
                                    "description": "We will talk about stuff",
                                    "start": "2020-07-19T10:07:02"
                                    "title": "Lunch",
                                    "description": "Very long lunch",
                                    "start": "2020-07-21T07:07:02",
                                    "end": "2020-07-22T10:07:02"
                            "dayMaxEventRows": true,
                            "weekNumbers": true,
                            "weekNumberCalculation": "ISO",
                            "selectable": true,
                            "selectMirror": true,
                            "buttonIcons": false,
                            "views": {
                                "listWeek": {
                                    "buttonText": "list week"
                                "listMonth": {
                                    "buttonText": "list month"
                                "listDay": {
                                    "buttonText": "list day"
                            eventRender: function (info) {
                                var tooltip = new Tooltip(info.el, {
                                    title: info.event.extendedProps.description,
                                    placement: 'top',
                                    trigger: 'hover',
                                    container: 'body'
        function loadCalendarSecond(calendarID) {
                    var calendarEl = document.getElementById(calendarID);
                    var calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl,
                            "headerToolbar": {
                                "left": "prev,next,today",
                                "right": "dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay,listMonth",
                                "center": "title"
                            "initialDate": "2020-07-19",
                            "nowIndicator": true,
                            "navLinks": true,
                            "businessHours": false,
                            "editable": false,
                            "events": [
                                    "title": "Active Directory Meeting",
                                    "description": "We will talk about stuff",
                                    "start": "2020-07-19T10:07:02"
                                    "title": "Lunch",
                                    "description": "Very long lunch",
                                    "start": "2020-07-21T07:07:02",
                                    "end": "2020-07-22T10:07:02"
                            "dayMaxEventRows": true,
                            "weekNumbers": true,
                            "weekNumberCalculation": "ISO",
                            "selectable": true,
                            "selectMirror": true,
                            "buttonIcons": false,
                            "views": {
                                "listWeek": {
                                    "buttonText": "list week"
                                "listMonth": {
                                    "buttonText": "list month"
                                "listDay": {
                                    "buttonText": "list day"
                            eventRender: function (info) {
                                var tooltip = new Tooltip(info.el, {
                                    title: info.event.extendedProps.description,
                                    placement: 'top',
                                    trigger: 'hover',
                                    container: 'body'

这是更新的 Plunker

于 2020-07-19T11:14:40.893 回答

该错误表明您尝试运行该fullCalendar()函数的元素不可用。这意味着Calendar-on26xq0w在文档中找不到带有 ID 的 HTML 元素。

于 2020-07-19T11:14:00.767 回答