我的程序接收 CSV 文件并尝试将它们合并到一个 CSV 文件中。所有 CSV 文件都将具有相同的列。

我正在使用 fast-csv 包来解析和格式化 CSV 文件的行,但是我无法将它们全部连续放入一个文件中。


我认为这是由于我用来循环不同 CSV 文件参数的“for”循环的同步性质,以及从不同流读取并尝试写入单个流的异步性质。

我正在寻找一些关于如何循环遍历每个文件参数的指导,但在继续下一个文件之前 - 为该文件完成解析、格式化和写入输出文件。

// Function that parses and formats the given file
function formatFile(paths, index) {
  // Initialize format options
  let formatOptions = {
    quoteHeaders: true,
    quoteColumns: true,
    escape: '\\'

  // If the current file is the first file, write the headers of the file
  if (index === 0) {
    formatOptions.headers = true;
  // If the current file is not the first file, do not write the headers of the file
  } else {
    formatOptions.writeHeaders = false;

  // Take in the current file as a readable stream
    // Parse the CSV file
    .pipe(csv.parse({ headers: true, escape: '\\' }))
    // Format the rows of the CSV file
    // Pipe the formatted data into the output CSV file

// Loop through each CSV file argument and run the formatFile function on each
for (let i = 0; i < filePaths.length; i++) {
  formatFile(filePaths, i);

1 回答 1



// Function that parses and formats the given file
function formatFile(paths, index) {
  // Initialize format options
  let formatOptions = {
    quoteHeaders: true,
    quoteColumns: true,
    escape: '\\'

  // If the current file is the first file, write the headers of the file
  if (index === 0) {
    formatOptions.headers = true;
  // If the current file is not the first file, do not write the headers of the file
  } else {
    formatOptions.writeHeaders = false;

  // Take in the current file as a readable stream
  const stream = fs.createReadStream(paths[index])
    // Parse the CSV file
    .pipe(csv.parse({ headers: true, escape: '\\' }))
    // Format the rows of the CSV file
    // Pipe the formatted data into the output CSV file

   return new Promise(resolve => stream.on('finish', resolve))

// Loop through each CSV file argument and run the formatFile function on each
for (let i = 0; i < filePaths.length; i++) {
  await formatFile(filePaths, i);

包含 for 循环的函数必须是异步函数。

于 2020-07-18T22:34:15.363 回答