我在 applab 中使用 Javascript。该代码可以很好地创建新用户,但它只更新第一条记录。任何想法如何解决这个问题,以便为每个新用户和返回用户更新?我想我需要使用带有“mostRecentID”或“record.ID”的数学函数来实现这一点。项目链接:https ://studio.code.org/projects/applab/bSkJw2auZx8Iq7ZGemsT7HwQrOVBWFPl6eLl0R0a6VU如果你去“它是如何工作的(查看代码)”,然后你可以看到代码和数据库。
//The database for this code already exists.
//This code creates new users fine, but it only updates the first record.
//What code will update a specific ID in the database
//I think I need to use a math function with "mostRecentID" or "record.ID" to achieve this.
var mostRecentID=1;
var player = {};
var UserID = getUserId();
onEvent("addNewRecordButton", "click", function() {
readRecords("AllUserData", player, function(records) {
var count = records.length;
if (count > 1) {
} else if ((count == 1)) {
} else {
var player = {};
player.UserID = getUserId();
createRecord("AllUserData", player, function(record) {
onEvent("updateInformationButton", "click", function() {
updateRecord("AllUserData", {id:mostRecentID,UserID:getUserId(),Username:(getText("usernameInput"))}, function() {