我在使用 Google 识别器 API 使用 SpeechRecognition 转录整个音频时遇到问题。即使我的音频被正确读取,也只是检测到并转录了它的第一句话。那是因为我的音频文件中有很多“静默秒”,我猜算法正在检测其中的第一个作为我的音频的结尾并中断转录。
有谁知道如何正确调整 SpeechRecognition 等待的时间段(而不是视为音频的结束)?
r = sr.Recognizer()
gravacao = sr.AudioFile('my_audio.wav')
with gravacao as source:
r.pause_threshold = 10 #Represents the minimum length of silence (in seconds) that will register as the end of a phrase.
r.energy_threshold = 40 #Represents the energy level threshold for sounds. Values below this threshold are considered silence. Can be changed.
r.dynamic_energy_threshold = True
audio = r.record(source)
lang = "pt-BR"
pre_frase = r.recognize_google(audio, language = lang)
except Exception as exp:
print("Error: {}".format(exp))