Coderush installs it's own keystroke manager which sits above the IDE's keystroke selection.
The Coderush keystroke management system is in theory more context sensitive than its VS counterpart. This means that Coderush will intercept everything but will pass the keystrokes on to VS if it's context requirements are not met.
You can view the keystrokes which Coderush has specific bindings for through the DevExpress menu..
They are available from DevExpress\Options....IDE\Shortcuts..
Also you can disable or reassign any of these which get in your way.
Could you please detail the specific Keystroke(s) you are having difficulty with?
If you would like some extended help with Coderush (And this offer is good for anyone), feel free to email me ( and I'll do my best to help you.
I don't work for DevExpress but do have a day-job (for now :P), but if I can help then I will.