I am working on an application, for which a temporary change request has come in to a given feature. Specifically, the business currently only wants to manage a Physical address for a given customer, and wants us to remove the option to add a mailing address.
This feature will most likely need to be re-introduced in the future, so, I am wondering what the best way to handle the removal would be for now. Having additional properties on the ViewModel is not necessarily a problem, but, it's messy. And there is even more of a problem when it comes to the View itself. We need to remove the UI elements, but, we need to make it easy to bring it back in the future.
So...do I comment out the unneeded code bits? This is the simplest approach, but, it's messy.
Do I create a new View and ViewModel? If so, where is the appropriate place to store the original for safe-keeping? Our application is under source control (SVN), so, we could theoretically come back to this revision, but, it seems like overkill for such a small change.
Has anyone else run into a similar situation? Any recommendation on how to best handle this?