我正在创建一个选择你自己的冒险游戏,我正在尝试使用 .ToUpper(); 让用户输入更改为大写;但无论出于何种原因,如果输入尚未设置上限,则它会跳过 else if 语句并进入游戏的下一步。这是我的代码目前的样子。
Console.WriteLine("It begins on a cold rainy night. Your sitting in your room and hear a noise coming from down the hall. Do you go investigate?");
//First decision
Console.Write("Type YES or NO: ");
string noiseChoice = Console.ReadLine();
string capNoise = noiseChoice.ToUpper();
//First decision outcome
if (noiseChoice == "NO")
Console.WriteLine("Not much of an adventure if you don't leave your room!");
Console.WriteLine("THE END.");
else if (noiseChoice == "YES")
Console.WriteLine("You walk into the hallway and see a light coming from under a door down the hall.");
Console.WriteLine("You walk towards it. Do you open it or knock?");
//Second decision
Console.Write("Type OPEN or KNOCK: ");
string doorChoice = Console.ReadLine();
string capDoor = doorChoice.ToUpper();
当提示输入 YES 或 NO 时,如果您输入 yes 或 no,它会跳到下一个 Console.Write(); 是 OPEN 或 KNOCK 类型。但是,如果输入是 YES 或 NO,它会根据需要继续执行 else if 语句。我对 C# 还很陌生,因此感谢您的帮助!