
pdf数据解析是使用pdfpig完成的 任何人都可以建议或帮助数据提取吗?如何从可用数据中提取准确的键值对。?提前致谢!!


我想提取 ProposerName


1 回答 1


看这段字符串: Proposerdetails1.ProposerName:RAJINDERKUMARGUPTA2.ProposerAddress:NEARPIPALCHOWK



您可以使用正则表达式 (Regex)

//Imagine that your data is stored here in 'fullText'
public static string GetProposerName(string fullText)

   /* Here's the regex filter for us to find a piece of string in the data with the 
    * key ProposerName, some value that we don't know yet and a . termnation.
    * Now take a look in the content inside the (). 
    * This is a group. The symbols between it means that we
    * want to get everything, any content, that is there inside the group. */
   string regexPattern = "ProposerName:(.*?)\\.";

   //Use this classes from System.Text.RegularExpressions
   Match match = Regex.Match(fullText, regexPattern);

   //Important test, it may not find anything...
   if (!match.Success) return null;

   /* If your code reaches here means that you've find the pattern inside the text.
    * Now you take only the value inside the group as a string and voila!*/
   string proposerName = match.Groups[0].Value;

   return proposerName;
于 2020-07-10T22:35:23.467 回答