
SELECT * FROM ProductDetails
FOR system_time
BETWEEN '1900-01-01 00:00:00' AND '9999-12-31 00:00:00'
WHERE ProductID = 8

ID    ProductID(FK)    Attribute    Value    SysStartTime           SysEndTime
--    -------------    ---------    -----    -------------------    ----------
1     8                Size         S        2020-07-06 05:00:00    9999-12-31 23:59:59
2     8                Color        Blue     2020-07-06 05:00:01    2020-07-09 11:11:11
2     8                Color        Green    2020-07-09 11:11:11    9999-12-31 23:59:59

这意味着在 2020 年 7 月 6 日 05:00:00 创建 ID = 8 的产品时,添加了 2 个属性,然后将其中一个记录编辑为从“蓝色”更改为“绿色”。请注意,保存时第二行的 SysStartTime 有 1 秒的差异。


Start Time          End Time            Attributes Values
----------------    ----------------    -----------------
2020-07-06 05:00    2020-07-09 11:11    Size = S, Color = Blue
2020-07-09 11:11    NULL                Size = S, Color = Green



1 回答 1


下面是一种在一个查询中格式化数据的解决方案。对于 4 行的小型数据集(我在您的示例中添加了一行),性能不是问题,但我猜这对于数百万条记录来说不会很快。

此处提供的解决方案以公用表表达式(CTE)的形式生成不同的数据集,并使用其他 StackOverflow 答案中的一些技术来删除秒数连接行值。最后加上一个号。

该方法可以在与连续 CTE / 连接对应的步骤中进行描述:

  1. 为每个产品创建一组属性。
  2. 为每个产品创建一组周期开始时刻(省略秒数)。
  3. 将每个产品的属性与每个时期相结合,并寻找合适的值。
  4. 使用一些 XML 函数来格式化单行中的属性值。
  5. 用于cross apply获取期末。


-- sample data
declare @data table
    ID              int,
    ProductId       int,
    Attribute       nvarchar(10),
    Value           nvarchar(10),
    SysStartTime    datetime2(0),
    SysEndTime      datetime2(0)

insert into @data (ID, ProductId, Attribute, Value, SysStartTime, SysEndTime) values
(1, 8, 'Size', 'S', '2020-07-06 05:00:00', '9999-12-31 23:59:59'),
(2, 8, 'Color', 'Blue', '2020-07-06 05:00:01', '2020-07-09 11:11:11'),
(2, 8, 'Color', 'Green', '2020-07-09 11:11:11', '9999-12-31 23:59:59'),
(2, 8, 'Weight', 'Light', '2020-07-10 10:11:12', '9999-12-31 23:59:59'); -- additional data to have extra attribute not available from start

-- solution
with prodAttrib as -- attributes per product
    select d.ProductId, d.Attribute
    from @data d
    group by d.ProductId, d.Attribute
prodPeriod as -- periods per product
    select  d.ProductId,
            dateadd(minute, datediff(minute, 0, d.SysStartTime), 0) as 'SysStartTimeNS' -- start time No Seconds
    from @data d
    group by ProductId, dateadd(minute, datediff(minute, 0, d.SysStartTime), 0)
prodResult as -- attribute value per period per product
    select  pp.ProductId,
            convert(nvarchar(16), pp.SysStartTimeNS, 120) as 'FromDateTime',
            convert(nvarchar(16), coalesce(pe.SysEndTime, '9999-12-31 23:59:59'), 120) as 'ToDateTime',
    from prodPeriod pp
    join prodAttrib pa
        on  pa.ProductId = pp.ProductId
    outer apply (   select top 1 d.Value
                    from @data d
                    where d.ProductId = pp.ProductId
                      and d.Attribute = pa.Attribute
                      and dateadd(minute, datediff(minute, 0, d.SysStartTime), 0) <= pp.SysStartTimeNS
                    order by d.SysStartTime desc ) av -- attribute values per product
    outer apply (   select top 1 dateadd(second, -1, d.SysStartTime) as 'SysEndTime'
                    from @data d
                    where d.ProductId = pp.ProductId
                      and dateadd(minute, datediff(minute, 0, d.SysStartTime), 0) > pp.SysStartTimeNS
                    order by d.SysStartTime ) pe -- period end
prodResultFormat as -- concatenate attribute values per period
    select  pp.ProductId,
            convert(nvarchar(16), pp.SysStartTimeNS, 120) as 'FromDateTime',
                select pr.Attribute + ' = ' + coalesce(pr.Value,'') + ', ' as [text()]
                from prodResult pr
                where pr.ProductId = pp.ProductId
                  and pr.FromDateTime = convert(nvarchar(16), pp.SysStartTimeNS, 120)
                order by pr.Attribute
                for xml path('')
            ) as 'Attributes'
    from prodPeriod pp
select  prf.ProductId,
        left(prf.Attributes, len(prf.Attributes)-1) as 'Attributes'
from prodResultFormat prf
cross apply (   select top 1 pr.ToDateTime
                from prodResult pr
                where pr.ProductId = prf.ProductId
                  and pr.FromDateTime = prf.FromDateTime ) x
order by prf.ProductId, prf.FromDateTime;


ProductId    FromDateTime      ToDateTime        Attributes
-----------  ----------------  ----------------  ----------------------------------------
8            2020-07-06 05:00  2020-07-09 11:11  Color = Blue, Size = S, Weight = 
8            2020-07-09 11:11  2020-07-10 10:11  Color = Green, Size = S, Weight = 
8            2020-07-10 10:11  9999-12-31 23:59  Color = Green, Size = S, Weight = Light

如果您确实需要这些值,请替换x.EndDateTime为PS 。case when x.ToDateTime = '9999-12-31 23:59' then NULL else x.ToDateTime end as 'ToDateTime'NULL

于 2020-07-16T14:38:35.710 回答