我正在尝试使用从 json 文件中提取并在页面上填充 div 的 yui 插件。然而,一切都应该顺利进行,因为插件永远不会进入渲染阶段,它的其余部分不会运行。否则它会成功加载(如果我在事件开始时粘贴警报或 console.log,它工作正常)。
YUI.add('events', function(Y) {
var urlEvents = //"/cgi-bin/eventview-json/?cal=admissions/events&days=10";
//var eventContainer = $("#insert-events");
/* EventList class constructor */
var EventList = function(config) {
EventList.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
* Required NAME static field, to identify the class and
* used as an event prefix, to generate class names etc. (set to the
* class name in camel case).
EventList.NAME = "EventList";
* Required NS static field, to identify the property on the host which will,
* be used to refer to the plugin instance ( e.g. host.feature.doSomething() )
EventList.NS = "EventList";
* The attribute configuration for the plugin. This defines the core user facing state of the plugin
EventList.ATTRS = {};
var convertYYYYMMDDtoJS = function(s) {
var a, jsdate = null;
try {
a = /^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/.exec(s);
if (a) {
jsdate = new Date(a[1], a[2]-1, a[3]);
} catch (ex) {
/* Nothing */
return jsdate;
var insertEvents = function(id, response, e) {
var i, resp, events, event, html, jsdate, label, seenevent, yyyymmdd;
var maxevents = 5, eventcount;
try {
resp = Y.JSON.parse(response.responseText);
events = resp.results;
html = "";
seenevent = {};
eventcount = 0;
yyyymmdd = "";
for (i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
event = events[i];
if (seenevent[event.title]) {
seenevent[event.title] = true;
if (event.date !== yyyymmdd) {
// This is the first event on this date.
// If we've seen maxevents events, then bail before starting a new day.
if (eventcount >= maxevents) {
// Put out a new label for this day.
jsdate = convertYYYYMMDDtoJS(event.date);
label = Y.DataType.Date.format(jsdate, {format: "%b %e %a"});
* The first empty div below, "<div class='clear'></div>" is only needed for IE 7.
* IE 7 does not properly clear both left and right floats when "clear: both" is specified
* if the element itself is floated. The extra div clears the floats, but isn't floated
* itself. The extra div doesn't cause any grief in newer browsers, so I add it always.
html += "<div class='clear'></div><div class='event-datelabel'>" + label + "</div>\n";
yyyymmdd = event.date;
html += "<div class='event-text'>" + event.html + "</div>\n";
this.get('host').setContent(html + "<div id='events-footer'><a href='/calendar/'>all events</a></div>");
} catch(ex) {
console.log("Error", ex);
this.get('host').setContent("Event list not available");
var insertEventList = function(yyyy, mm, dd) {
var url = urlEvents;
if (yyyy) {
url += '&yyyy=' + yyyy;
if (mm) {
url += '&mm=' + mm;
if (dd) {
url += '&dd=' + dd;
Y.io(url, {on: {success: insertEvents}, context: this});
/* EventList extends the base Plugin.Base class */
Y.extend(EventList, Y.Plugin.Base, {
render: function() {
//console.log("assigning", EventList);
Y.namespace("Plugin").EventList = EventList;
}, '1.0.0' ,{requires:['node', 'base', 'plugin', "json-parse", "datatype-date"]});
Y.extend(EventList, Y.Plugin.Base, {
render: function() {
诚然,YUI3 让我感到困惑,我更喜欢其他库,但在这种情况下我别无选择。我可能刚刚完全看过一件事。