我需要使用@AutowiredSpring 上下文中的字段填充我的 ScalaTest 测试,但大多数 Scalatest 测试(例如FeatureSpecs 不能由SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class-

@ContextConfiguration(locations="myPackage.UnitTestSpringConfiguration", loader=AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class)
public class AdminLoginTest {
    @Autowired private WebApplication app;
    @Autowired private SiteDAO siteDAO;


如何@AutowiredApplicationContextfor ScalaTest 填充字段?

class AdminLoginFeatureTest extends FeatureSpec with GivenWhenThen with ShouldMatchersForJUnit {

  @Autowired val app: WebApplication = null
  @Autowired val siteDAO: SiteDAO = null

  feature("Admin Login") {
    scenario("Correct username and password") {...}

4 回答 4


使用TestContextManager, 因为这会缓存上下文,因此不会在每次测试时都重新构建它们。它是从类注释中配置的。

  locations = Array("myPackage.UnitTestSpringConfiguration"), 
  loader = classOf[AnnotationConfigContextLoader])
class AdminLoginFeatureTest extends FeatureSpec with GivenWhenThen with ShouldMatchers {

  @Autowired val app: WebApplication = null
  @Autowired val siteDAO: SiteDAO = null
  new TestContextManager(this.getClass()).prepareTestInstance(this)

  feature("Admin Login") {
    scenario("Correct username and password") {...}
于 2011-06-08T17:38:23.743 回答


我尝试了其他帖子中建议的原始TestContextManager.prepareTestInstance()解决方案,但注意到我的上下文没有关闭,这导致在使用 sbt 控制台时每次连续测试运行后都会产生副作用和积累垃圾。

@ContextConfiguration(classes = Array(classOf[SomeConfiguration]))
class SomeTestSpec extends FlatSpec with TestContextManagement {

  // Use standard Autowired Spring annotation to inject necessary dependencies
  // Note that Spring will inject val (read-only) fields
  val someDependency: SomeClass = null

  "Some test" should "verify something" in {
    // Test implementation that uses injected dependency



import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite}
import org.springframework.core.annotation.{AnnotatedElementUtils, AnnotationAttributes}
import org.springframework.test.annotation.DirtiesContext
import org.springframework.test.context.{TestContext, TestContextManager}
import org.springframework.test.context.support.DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener
import org.springframework.util.Assert

 * Manages Spring test contexts via a TestContextManager.
 * Implemented as a stackable trait that uses beforeAll() and afterAll() hooks to invoke initialization
 * and destruction logic, respectively.
 * Test contexts are marked dirty, and hence cleaned up, after all test methods have executed.
 * There is currently no support for indicating that a test method dirties a context.
 * @see org.springframework.test.context.TestContextManager
trait TestContextManagement extends BeforeAndAfterAll { this: Suite =>

  private val testContextManager: TestContextManager = new TestContextManager(this.getClass)

  abstract override def beforeAll(): Unit = {

  abstract override def afterAll(): Unit = {

 * Test execution listener that always dirties the context to ensure that contexts get cleaned after test execution.
 * Note that this class dirties the context after all test methods have run.
protected object AlwaysDirtiesContextTestExecutionListener extends DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener {

  override def afterTestClass(testContext: TestContext) {
    val testClass: Class[_] = testContext.getTestClass
    Assert.notNull(testClass, "The test class of the supplied TestContext must not be null")

    val annotationType: String = classOf[DirtiesContext].getName
    val annAttrs: AnnotationAttributes = AnnotatedElementUtils.getAnnotationAttributes(testClass, annotationType)
    val hierarchyMode: DirtiesContext.HierarchyMode = if ((annAttrs == null)) null else annAttrs.getEnum[DirtiesContext.HierarchyMode]("hierarchyMode")
    dirtyContext(testContext, hierarchyMode)
于 2015-03-22T02:26:08.923 回答

我尝试在 Spring 4 + Scala 2.11 中使用 Duncan 的答案,但出现以下错误:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Test class [TestGateway] has been configured with @ContextConfiguration's 'locations' (or 'value') attribute {GatewayContextConfiguration}, but AnnotationConfigContextLoader does not support resource locations.

在配置 ContextConfiguration 而不是字符串时,我不得不调整他的代码以使用类:

@ContextConfiguration( classes = Array(classOf[GatewayContextConfiguration]), 
                       loader = classOf[AnnotationConfigContextLoader])
class TestGateway extends FlatSpec with Matchers {

  @Autowired val gpClient: IGlobalPropsWSClient = null

  new TestContextManager(this.getClass()).prepareTestInstance(this)

  "Echo" should "return what it was sent." in {
    val gateway = new CasaWsGateway
    gateway.echo("This is a test") should be ( "This is a test" )
于 2014-08-07T15:59:21.620 回答

如果您使用的是 Spring Boot,则可以使用 TestContextManager (如其他评论所建议的那样)和 @SpringBootTest 注释。

这就是我使用 scalaTest 和 spring boot 测试控制器的方式:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = RANDOM_PORT)
class CustomerControllerIT extends FeatureSpec with GivenWhenThen with Matchers {

  var testRestTemplate: TestRestTemplate = _
  new TestContextManager(this.getClass).prepareTestInstance(this)

  val randomServerPort: Integer = null

  val baseUrl = s"http://localhost:$randomServerPort"

  feature("Customer controller") {

    scenario("Find customer by id") {

      Given("a customer id")
      val id = 1

      When("a request to /customers/{id} is sent")
      val url = s"$baseUrl/customers/$id"
      val response = testRestTemplate.getForEntity(url, classOf[Customer])

      Then("we get a response with the customer in the body")
      response.getBody.getId shouldBe 1
      response.getBody.getName shouldBe "Bob"




这里有一篇关于如何使用 Spring Boot 和 ScalaTest 进行集成测试和单元测试的帖子: ignaciosuay.com/testing-spring-boot-with-scalatest/

于 2017-12-18T15:30:26.777 回答