我将 SpecFlow 用于自动化验收测试框架,将 NHibernate 用于持久性。我正在处理的 Intranet 应用程序的许多 UI 页面都是基本的数据输入页面。显然,将字段添加到这些页面之一被认为是“功能”,但我想不出除此之外的任何场景

Given that I enter data X for field Y on Record 1 
And I click Save 
When I edit Record 1 
Then I should data X for field Y

像这样自动化测试有多普遍和必要?此外,我正在使用 NHibernate,所以它不像我正在处理我自己的数据持久层。一旦我将一个属性添加到我的映射文件中,它很有可能不会被错误地删除。考虑到这一点,“一次性”手动测试还不够吗?我很想听听您在这件事上的建议和经验。


1 回答 1




Scenario: Successful creation of a customer
Given I am on the customer creation page
When I enter the following customer details
| Name | Address |
| Cust | My addr |
And I save the customer details
Then I have a new customer saved with the following details
| Name | Address |
| Cust | My addr |


Scenario: Successful creation of a customer
Given I am on the customer creation page
When I enter the following customer details
| Name | Address | Billing address |
| Cust | My addr | Bill me here    |
And I save the customer details
Then I have a new customer saved with the following details
| Name | Address | Billing address |
| Cust | My addr | Bill me here    |


I think if you take this approach you can avoid having a lot of "trivial" scenarios. And I can argue that this is the success case of the "create customer feature", which deserves a single test at least.

于 2011-06-15T11:28:01.917 回答