我希望在 iPhone 应用程序中使用英语、德语、法语、西班牙语和意大利语文本到语音。看起来 Flite 基本上是唯一的选择。


  1. 有没有人有另一个指向节日德国声音的链接,或者可能在页面关闭之前下载了它们并可以分享?
  2. 或者,也许您可​​以建议另一种免费的替代方案?
  3. 另一个价格合理的商业替代品?
  4. 除了非官方的基于谷歌翻译的 TTS 之外,您还有什么可以推荐的云 TTS 服务吗?

2 回答 2


Andrey,如果您使用 web.archive.org 的“回程机器”,您提供的链接将为您提供有效数据。一个几乎完整的互联网档案。要检索加泰罗尼亚语集(TALP/UPC:10 clunits + 10 hts 声音,来自教授。演讲者):http ://web.archive.org/web/20100620222516/http://www.talp.cat/festcat/download .php


于 2012-06-19T12:13:05.083 回答

We've never found a Flite voice, but now there's a free iSpeech SDK. Not sure about their future plans on the business side (freemium? free beta then paid?), but we may end up integrating it.

Note that there is another problem with Flite: you won't be able to use most Festival voices with it without lots of manual code rewriting. Festival is basically a LISP system, and Festival voices are half-data, half-executable code. Festival-to-Flite conversion tools will choke on the executable code of most voices, so don't get your hopes high.

于 2011-11-16T15:13:47.973 回答