
我有一个使用 SPM 的应用程序。我的一个包包含资源(.xib 文件)。在尝试将应用程序上传到 TestFlight 时,我收到一个错误,这是一个已知问题,在此处指出:https ://developer.apple.com/news/releases/?id=06232020a作为最后一个项目符号:

使用包含资源的 Swift 包的应用程序未成功导入。作为一种解决方法,从嵌入式资源包的 Info.plist 文件中手动删除 CFBundleExecutable 键。

我的问题是如何使用该解决方法?我的包不包含 Info.plist 文件。


1 回答 1


OK. It's working fine. What I did not understand was that I needed to change the Info.plist file that was located inside the archive. I initially thought it was supposed to be somewhere in the Package.

So the process is:

  1. Create an archive and select it in Xcode Organizer.
  2. Show in Finder.
  3. Open package contents.
  4. Go down the Folder structure (Products -> Application) until you find your .app file.
  5. Again, show package contents.
  6. There should be your package .bundle file. Again show package contents.
  7. Here you should see the Info.plist file. Open it in Xcode and remove the "Executable file" entry.
  8. Save and return to Xcode Organizer. Now you can Distribute the app.
于 2020-07-07T13:15:23.047 回答