import maya.standalone
import maya.cmds as cmds
cmds.file("/Users/Desktop/test.ma", open=True, force=True)
RuntimeError: file: /Users/Desktop/dad.ma line 26: The camera 'perspShape' has no '.aiTranslator' attribute.
file: /Users/Desktop/test.ma line 26: setAttr: No object matches name: .aiTranslator
file: /Users/Desktop/test.ma line 43: The camera 'topShape' has no '.aiTranslator' attribute.
file: /Users/Desktop/test.ma line 43: setAttr: No object matches name: .aiTranslator
file: /Users/Desktop/test.ma line 59: The camera 'frontShape' has no '.aiTranslator' attribute.
file: /Users/Desktop/test.ma line 59: setAttr: No object matches name: .aiTranslator
file: /Users/Desktop/test.ma line 76: The camera 'sideShape' has no '.aiTranslator' attribute.
file: /Users/Desktop/test.ma line 76: setAttr: No object matches name: .aiTranslator
file: /Users/Desktop/test.ma line 90: The mesh 'pSphereShape1' has no '.aiTranslator' attribute.
file: /Users/Desktop/test.ma line 90: setAttr: No object matches name: .aiTranslator
Error reading file.
Error reading file.
但是当我在 Maya 中运行它时:
import maya.cmds as cmds
cmds.file("/Users/Desktop/test.ma", open=True, force=True)
只是一个新场景,里面有一个物体,没什么特别的。出于某种原因,通过 mayapy/maya.standalone 运行这个我得到这个错误