This morning, while trying to migrate some files from my test server to my live server; I made a horrible mistake.

I was trying to pull my /etc/apache2 from the sandbox, and put it live, so I was temporarily changing the permissions in /etc/apache2 to 777, while I was migrating.

However, I had a massive distraction and changed the permissions in /etc to 777. Anyhow, I spent the last four hours fixing this problem, and it all more or less works.

I managed to get sudoers back to 0440, and everything else is at 755, which is more or less neutral.

But now, Ubuntu is instantly refusing every single kind of remote connection from every computer (except Apache, MySQL, PhpMyAdmin). When I try to make a remote connection from Putty, Tunnelier or WINSCP it just instantly refuses it with some error message like "Network Error".

Anyhow, I really don't want to hear how stupid I am for making this mistake, trust me; I have been hating myself all morning. But if anybody has some suggestions on how I can fix this problem, I almost certain that it is due to permissions.


1 回答 1


我很确定您至少需要openssh 私钥chown rootchmod go-rwx仅对公钥的读取权限;

其他键可能有相同的要求,但我假设 ssh 是您进入此服务器的第一个入口点。ssh (sshd_config) 的手册页将包含确切的详细信息

于 2011-06-07T19:24:00.023 回答