I've used this successfully, but on a different dataset I'm getting an error of unknown levels in `f`, even though they are basically the same. What is going on? This one works:
df %<>%
Education = case_when(
Education_n %in% c(1:4) ~ "Low",
Education_n %in% c(5:8) ~ "Medium",
Education_n %in% c(9:11) ~ "High", TRUE ~ NA_character_) %>% fct_relevel("Low", "Medium", "High"))
This one will recode but not relevel, throwing the error. I added as.numeric because this variable is as.character in that dataset. That's the only difference.
dfDDP %<>%mutate(
Education = case_when(
as.numeric(Q21) %in% c(1:4) ~ "Low", #Some secondary
as.numeric(Q21) %in% c(5:8) ~ "Medium",
as.numeric(Q21) %in% c(9:11) ~ "High",
TRUE ~ NA_character_) %>% fct_relevel("Low", "Medium", "High"))
If I run mutate and fct_relevel separately, it will relevel the way it's supposed to. I've tried %>% fct_relevel("Low", "Medium", "High"))
, %>% fct_relevel(., "Low", "Medium", "High"))
, and %>% fct_relevel("High", after = Inf))
without any difference out outcome.