i invoking QThread with creating object and using MoveToThread function like it suggest inside the Object i have loop and i need to be able to set sleep for few seconds between iterations ( to update the main GUI ) searching the web got me to this link:
but this not working inside threads , what is the best way to do this ?


2 回答 2



void    msleep ( unsigned long msecs )
void    sleep ( unsigned long secs )
void    usleep ( unsigned long usecs )


这些方法都在qt4中受到保护。因此,如果您使用的是 qt4,则需要从 QThread 派生来访问它们。我不确定它们是否在 qt3 中受到保护。

于 2011-06-07T12:39:40.680 回答

这就是我解决QThread sleep受保护功能问题的方法:

// QThread has static sleep functions; but they're protected (duh).
// So we provide wrapper functions:
//    void MyLib::sleep (unsigned long secs)
//    void MyLib::msleep (unsigned long msecs)
//    void MyLib::usleep (unsigned long usecs)

#include <QThread>

namespace MyLib
  class DerivedFromQThread : protected QThread
    static void sleep (unsigned long secs)   { QThread::sleep (secs) ; }
    static void msleep (unsigned long msecs) { QThread::msleep (msecs) ; }
    static void usleep (unsigned long usecs) { QThread::usleep (usecs) ; }
    } ;
  void sleep (unsigned long secs)   { DerivedFromQThread::sleep (secs) ; }
  void msleep (unsigned long msecs) { DerivedFromQThread::msleep (msecs) ; }
  void usleep (unsigned long usecs) { DerivedFromQThread::usleep (usecs) ; }
  } // namespace MyLib
于 2011-06-07T17:34:01.490 回答