I'm on extjs 4 and I try to find a compatible calendar for extjs 4 (I try : http://ext.ensible.com/products/calendar/ but it's doesn't work with extjs 4..) I searched and I didn't find anything..

Another solution would be to use extjs 3 calendar in sandbox with my app on extjs 4, but I have no idea how to do it. ( My apps likes the layout-browser example have a tree menu on the left, and onclick on one node I want to print my calendar in the center panel . My central panel is a vcard, so I just have to change the active item, but I don't know how to set an active item with extjs 3 (my calendar !) )

Ps: it's not for a commercial use, so something "free" if it's possible

Thanks for you help !


3 回答 3


可扩展版本目前在 Github 中与 Ext 4 兼容(正在进行中,但大部分都在工作)。官方的 Ext 日历示例将在 Ext 4.1 中升级。

于 2011-06-07T13:43:19.290 回答

extensible-1.5.0-beta1 ( https://github.com/bmoeskau/Extensible/downloads ) 适用于 Ext JS 4。我已经尝试了基本的日历示例,它工作正常(除了 1 或 2 个丢失的图像)。但是,您必须将扩展目录作为 Ext JS 目录的同级目录(即它们都应该在一个目录中),并且将 Ext JS 目录(最初附有版本)重命名为“extjs”。这将解决一切!

于 2011-06-30T13:12:20.283 回答

使用名为“Ext JS 3 & 4 on one page”的沙盒 ext4 示例

于 2011-06-07T10:09:59.857 回答