如果我vue create my-new-app使用最新的 Vue Cli(当前版本 4.4.6)运行,是否会实现所有新的 ES2020 功能?(我已经测试过“可选链接”并且似乎能够使用它)

如果是这样,我如何从脚手架代码中分辨出来?我@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset在 babel.config.js 中看到,是这样吗?



1 回答 1


Babel 插件确实允许编译 ES2020 功能。debug您可以通过在运行构建之前启用来查看正在使用的插件:

// babel.config.js
module.exports = {
  presets: [
    // BEFORE:
    // '@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset'
    ['@vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset', { debug: true }]


⠇  Building for production...@babel/preset-env: `DEBUG` option

Using targets:
  "android": "81",
  "chrome": "80",
  "edge": "18",
  "firefox": "76",
  "ie": "11",
  "ios": "12.2",
  "opera": "67",
  "safari": "13",
  "samsung": "10.1"

Using modules transform: false

Using plugins:
  proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator { "edge":"18", "ie":"11", "ios":"12.2", "safari":"13", "samsung":"10.1" }
  proposal-optional-chaining { "edge":"18", "ie":"11", "ios":"12.2", "safari":"13", "samsung":"10.1" }
  proposal-json-strings { "edge":"18", "ie":"11" }
  proposal-optional-catch-binding { "edge":"18", "ie":"11" }
  transform-parameters { "ie":"11" }
  proposal-async-generator-functions { "edge":"18", "ie":"11" }
  proposal-object-rest-spread { "edge":"18", "ie":"11" }
  transform-dotall-regex { "edge":"18", "firefox":"76", "ie":"11" }
  proposal-unicode-property-regex { "edge":"18", "firefox":"76", "ie":"11" }
  transform-named-capturing-groups-regex { "edge":"18", "firefox":"76", "ie":"11" }
  transform-async-to-generator { "ie":"11" }
  transform-exponentiation-operator { "ie":"11" }
  transform-template-literals { "ie":"11", "ios":"12.2" }
  transform-literals { "ie":"11" }
  transform-function-name { "edge":"18", "ie":"11" }
  transform-arrow-functions { "ie":"11" }
  transform-classes { "ie":"11" }
  transform-object-super { "ie":"11" }
  transform-shorthand-properties { "ie":"11" }
  transform-duplicate-keys { "ie":"11" }
  transform-computed-properties { "ie":"11" }
  transform-for-of { "ie":"11" }
  transform-sticky-regex { "ie":"11" }
  transform-unicode-escapes { "ie":"11" }
  transform-unicode-regex { "ie":"11" }
  transform-spread { "ie":"11" }
  transform-destructuring { "ie":"11" }
  transform-block-scoping { "ie":"11" }
  transform-typeof-symbol { "ie":"11" }
  transform-new-target { "ie":"11" }
  transform-regenerator { "ie":"11" }
  syntax-dynamic-import { "android":"81", "chrome":"80", "edge":"18", "firefox":"76", "ie":"11", "ios":"12.2", "opera":"67", "safari":"13", "samsung":"10.1" }
  syntax-top-level-await { "android":"81", "chrome":"80", "edge":"18", "firefox":"76", "ie":"11", "ios":"12.2", "opera":"67", "safari":"13", "samsung":"10.1" }

Using polyfills with `usage` option:
⠏  Building for production...
[/Users/tony/src/tmp/vue-tmp7/src/main.js] Based on your code and targets, core-js polyfills were not added.
⠴  Building for production...@babel/preset-env: `DEBUG` option

Using targets:
  "android": "81",
  "chrome": "80",
  "edge": "18",
  "firefox": "76",
  "ie": "11",
  "ios": "12.2",
  "opera": "67",
  "safari": "13",
  "samsung": "10.1"

Using modules transform: false

Using plugins:
  proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator { "edge":"18", "ie":"11", "ios":"12.2", "safari":"13", "samsung":"10.1" }
  proposal-optional-chaining { "edge":"18", "ie":"11", "ios":"12.2", "safari":"13", "samsung":"10.1" }
  proposal-json-strings { "edge":"18", "ie":"11" }
  proposal-optional-catch-binding { "edge":"18", "ie":"11" }
  transform-parameters { "ie":"11" }
  proposal-async-generator-functions { "edge":"18", "ie":"11" }
  proposal-object-rest-spread { "edge":"18", "ie":"11" }
  transform-dotall-regex { "edge":"18", "firefox":"76", "ie":"11" }
  proposal-unicode-property-regex { "edge":"18", "firefox":"76", "ie":"11" }
  transform-named-capturing-groups-regex { "edge":"18", "firefox":"76", "ie":"11" }
  transform-async-to-generator { "ie":"11" }
  transform-exponentiation-operator { "ie":"11" }
  transform-template-literals { "ie":"11", "ios":"12.2" }
  transform-literals { "ie":"11" }
  transform-function-name { "edge":"18", "ie":"11" }
  transform-arrow-functions { "ie":"11" }
  transform-classes { "ie":"11" }
  transform-object-super { "ie":"11" }
  transform-shorthand-properties { "ie":"11" }
  transform-duplicate-keys { "ie":"11" }
  transform-computed-properties { "ie":"11" }
  transform-for-of { "ie":"11" }
  transform-sticky-regex { "ie":"11" }
  transform-unicode-escapes { "ie":"11" }
  transform-unicode-regex { "ie":"11" }
  transform-spread { "ie":"11" }
  transform-destructuring { "ie":"11" }
  transform-block-scoping { "ie":"11" }
  transform-typeof-symbol { "ie":"11" }
  transform-new-target { "ie":"11" }
  transform-regenerator { "ie":"11" }
  syntax-dynamic-import { "android":"81", "chrome":"80", "edge":"18", "firefox":"76", "ie":"11", "ios":"12.2", "opera":"67", "safari":"13", "samsung":"10.1" }
  syntax-top-level-await { "android":"81", "chrome":"80", "edge":"18", "firefox":"76", "ie":"11", "ios":"12.2", "opera":"67", "safari":"13", "samsung":"10.1" }

Using polyfills with `usage` option:

[/Users/tony/src/tmp/vue-tmp7/src/App.vue] Based on your code and targets, core-js polyfills were not added.
⠧  Building for production...
[/Users/tony/src/tmp/vue-tmp7/src/components/HelloWorld.vue] Based on your code and targets, core-js polyfills were not added.

在 macOS Catalina 上使用 Node 14、Vue CLI 4.4.6 和@babel/preset-env7.10.3 进行测试

自 Vue CLI 4.4.6 起支持的 ES2020 功能

  1. 可选链
  2. 无效合并
  3. Promise.prototype.allSettled
  4. String.prototype.matchAll
  5. 私有类字段
  6. 动态导入增强
  7. BigInt- 使用构造函数时可能需要 ESLint 配置以避免 lint 错误
于 2020-06-28T08:15:50.547 回答