I have some dns records I'm trying to import with pulumi, and they fail somewhat bluntly with this error:

  gcp:dns:RecordSet (root/my.domain./NS):
    error: Preview failed: refreshing urn:pulumi:root::root::gcp:dns/recordSet:RecordSet::root/my.domain./NS: Error when reading or editing DNS Record Set "my.domain.": Get "https://www.googleapis.com/dns/v1beta2/projects/root-280012/managedZones/root/rrsets?alt=json&name=my.domain.&prettyPrint=false&type=NS": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
  pulumi:pulumi:Stack (root-root):
    error: preview failed

I'm just getting started with pulumi, so I have no real sense of whether this is a GCP-specific problem or more general with pulumi, so apologies if this is in the wrong place.

Is this just a case of increasing a timeout limit? Is this a problem with the cli? Why would this particular request timeout? (It times out every attempt)

Appreciate any advice!


1 回答 1


我通过使用解决了这个问题customTimeoutshttps ://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/programming-model/#customtimeouts

创建资源时,您可以将选项对象作为最后一个参数传递。在那里,您可以添加您的 customTimeouts 配置,例如(对于打字稿):

    customTimeouts: {
        create: '5m',
        delete: '5m',
        update: '5m'
于 2020-06-26T14:23:25.360 回答