Upto RS10.3 I used to use Andreas Hausladen DDevExtensions to set my version number in my project sources to be the same for all modules (bpl's/exe), but unfortunately Andreas has stopped updating his tool for RS10.4 and later.
So I am looking for more comfortable ways to set a version number in my app modules than applying multi-file changes to all dproj files with NotePad++.
But... On the other side I do want to keep specific information (like file description etc) specific to the module file.
What I also would like but isnt really a requirement is to have my (c) notice, and other shared info to be centralized in a single file (preferably .rc) as well.
It is not a problem to drop the version info from the dproj files (which are a pain to maintain anyway) and have a specific .rc file for each module instead.
Another advantage would be that having one central version number and (c) file is also a lot better in svn change management since I don't have to commit each and every .dproj file because of the version/build number change.
(To be updated as we go along) I Checked out
- How to include Subversion revision number into Delphi project
- Incrementing Delphi XE project version number from command line
But those solutions are not really what I am looking for; I am not looking for scripts but a source file/project file way to accomplish my task.
So here's the Q
How can I have one single .rc file containing my version number and use it in other .rc files containing specific version info