import os
# List 'x' will auto-populate itself with hundreds of new dictionary items upon run - using x.append({'name': f'{var}', 'job': f'{var2}'}) etc.
x = []
i = input('Request: ')
if i == 'add to list':
with open('example list', 'a') as list:
elif i == 'print list':
with open('example list', 'r') as list:
# in this next block, I would like to be able to move an item from the 'example list' list to a different list that is housed in a separate file
elif i == 'move item':
# 'n' requests an integer value to represent the index in the list
n = input('Which item do you want to move? ')
with open('example list', 'r') as list:
j = list[n]
# I want to delete 'j' from 'example list'
with open('other list', 'a') as other_list:
# I want to append 'j' to 'other list'
print('example list')
我被困在这些列表项的阅读和移动上。我什至不能让它以很好的格式打印“示例列表”。我听说过泡菜模块,但我从未使用过它。我也明白,为了能够访问列表项和其中的后续字典键,可能需要将这些列表保存为 json 文件。任何帮助,将不胜感激。