df = A Huge_dataframe.
Index D1 D2 D3 D5 D6
0 8 5 0 False True
1 45 35 0 True False
2 35 10 1 False True
3 40 5 2 True False
4 12 10 5 False False
5 18 15 13 False True
6 25 15 5 True False
7 35 10 11 False True
8 95 50 0 False False
我必须根据给定的订单对 df 进行排序:
orders = [[A, B],[D, ~E, B], [~C, ~A], [~C, A]...]
#(where A, B, C , D, E are the conditions)
A = df['D1'].le(50)
B = df['D2'].ge(5)
C = df['D3'].ne(0)
D = df['D1'].ne(False)
E = df['D1'].ne(True)
# In the real scenario, I have 64 such conditions to be run on 5 million records.
for loop
完成以下任务的最简单方法是什么,使用or map
df = df.loc[A & B]
df = df.loc[D & ~E & B]
df = df.loc[~C & ~A]
df = df.loc[~C & A]
结果 df 将是我的预期输出。
multiple conditions
在这里,我更感兴趣的是,如果我想运行存储在列表中的循环或映射或 .apply,您将如何使用它们。不是结果输出。
for i in orders:
df = df[all(i)] # I am not able to implement this logic for each order