I want to switch the color of a wifi LED light from my computer for a project. Ive looked around and found that the LIFX LEDs and the Philips Hue both have pretty ok APIs for this, however they seemingly (as fas as i can tell) both require that you control their respective apps (iPhone/Android) which in turn then controls the light. I dont want this, but rather just a LED bulb i can control directly from an interface i build on my computer.

Is there a work around im not aware off? Or is there another LED bulb (it has to be a bulb, im not interested in wires) that can solve this? Please advice.



1 回答 1


您完全可以直接从您的计算机控制飞利浦 Hue 灯泡。您需要在 Philips Hue Bridge 上设置开发者帐户。然后您可以通过 API 使用 HTTP 请求来控制您的灯泡。在 API 直接与飞利浦 Hue Bridge 对话之后,您需要应用程序来设置灯光。您可以在此处阅读有关如何设置开发者帐户的信息:Hue-Get Started

于 2020-10-24T12:31:53.290 回答