在创建新的 xml 文件之前从这个目录中删除以前的 xml 文件,因为 xml 文件的大小很大,它可能会填满我的临时空间。xml 文件有一定的命名约定life__*.xml
在这里使用或如何使用它,因为我在 java 文件处理方面还很陌生,不知道在代码中更改什么以及在哪里进行更改:
public class InputConsumer implements Runnable {
public static final String XML_SUFFIX = ".xml";
private void processlifeZipFile() { //check the number of line in xml input zip file processed
final AtomicBoolean isInsideLeiRecord = new AtomicBoolean();
final StringBuilder currentLeiRecordXml = new StringBuilder();
try (FileSystem zipFs = FileSystems.newFileSystem(jobRunner.getInputZipPath(), null); //check the zip file
Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(xmlFileFromLeiZipFile(zipFs))) { //streaming the lines inside xml file
AtomicInteger processedLinesCounter = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger currentLineNumber = new AtomicInteger();
.forEach(handleLineAndIncrementLineNumber(isInsideLeiRecord, currentLeiRecordXml, processedLinesCounter, currentLineNumber))
log.info("{} lines of XML file inside life input ZIP file {} processed.", processedLinesCounter.get(), jobRunner.getInputZipPath() //number of lines processed in xml file
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Problem reading input file at " + jobRunner.getInputZipPath() + ".", e);
private Path xmlFileFromLeiZipFile(FileSystem zipFs) { //extracts the xml file from zip file
log.info("Input file {} exists: {}", jobRunner.getInputZipPath(), Files.exists(jobRunner.getInputZipPath()));
Path tmpXmlPath = createTmpXmlFile("life__" + System.currentTimeMillis());
for (Path rootDir : zipFs.getRootDirectories()) {
try (Stream<Path> files = treeAt(rootDir)) {
log.info("Trying to extract life XML file from ZIP file into {}.", tmpXmlPath);
final Path xmlFileInsideZip = files
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("No file found in LEI ZIP file."));
log.info("Path to life XML file inside ZIP file: {}.", xmlFileInsideZip);
return copyReplacing(xmlFileInsideZip, tmpXmlPath);
throw new IllegalStateException("No file found in LEI ZIP file " + jobRunner.getInputZipPath() + ".");
private static Path createTmpXmlFile(final String prefix) {
try {
log.info("Creating temporary file {}{}", prefix, XML_SUFFIX);
return Files.createTempFile(prefix, XML_SUFFIX);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create tmp file at " + prefix + XML_SUFFIX + ". ", e);
private static Path copyReplacing(Path from, Path to) {
requireNonNull(from, "Trying to copy from a path, which is null to path " + to + "."); //trying to copy file where no xml file exist in root directory
requireNonNull(to, "Trying to copy from path " + from + " to a path, which is null.");
try {
return Files.copy(from, to, REPLACE_EXISTING);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot copy from " + from + " to " + to + ". ", e);