当尝试从步骤 #7 ( http://docs.opennebula.io/5.12/intro_release_notes/upgrades/upgrading_single.html#step-7-upgrade-the-database-version )将数据库从 v5.10 升级到 v5.12 时我收到以下输出:
$ sudo onedb upgrade -v -u ****-S localhost -p '*******' -d opennebula
Version read:
Shared tables 5.10.0 : Database migrated from 5.4.1 to 5.10.0 (OpenNebula 5.9.80) by onedb command.
Local tables 5.10.0 : Database migrated from 5.4.1 to 5.10.0 (OpenNebula 5.9.80) by onedb command.
MySQL dump stored in /var/lib/one/mysql_localhost_opennebula_2020-6-18_15:59:0.sql
Use 'onedb restore' or restore the DB using the mysql command:
mysql -u user -h server -P port db_name < backup_file
>>> Running migrators for shared tables
Database already uses version 5.10.0
>>> Running migrators for local tables
Database already uses version 5.10.0
Total time: 0.03s
预期的行为是它应该升级到 database schema v5.12
我已经确认安装的 OpenNebula 软件包是 v5.12 来自/etc/yum.repos.d/opennebula.repo