视窗 10

蟒蛇 Python 3.7

点 20.1.1

我尝试在 Anaconda Prompt 上安装 qiskit:

pip install qiskit

并且在为 cvxpy、scs、ecos 构建轮子时报告错误:

Building Wheels for collected packages: cvxgy, scs
Building wheel for cvxpy(PEP 517) ... error
Building wheel for scs (setup.py) ... error
Building wheel for ecos (setup.py)... error
ERROR: Could not build wheels for cvxpy which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly

我尝试更新 pip 并安装 PEP 517 并再次尝试,但错误仍然存​​在。


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