我在我的 Web 应用程序中添加了一个 AJAX 多文件上传控件。当我尝试上传多个文件时,只上传了第一个文件,并且 Chrome 开发控制台中显示以下错误:
<cc1:AjaxFileUpload ID="multiUploader" ClientIDMode="Static" ClearFileListAfterUpload="false" OnClientUploadComplete="MultiUploadComplete" OnClientUploadCompleteAll="AllUploaded" OnUploadComplete="multiUploader_UploadComplete" MaximumNumberOfFiles="10" AllowedFileTypes="jpg,jpeg,png,gif" runat="server" />
function MultiUploadComplete(sender, args) {
var filesize = args.get_fileSize();
var fileId = args.get_fileId();
var status = document.getElementById('multiUploader_FileItemStatus_' + fileId);
var container = document.getElementById('multiUploader_FileInfoContainer_' + fileId);
var fileName = $(container).find('span.filename').html();
if (filesize > 10240000) {
fileErrors += 1;
if (status.innerText) {
status.innerText = " (Error) " + $('#profilephotosize').attr('data-val').replace('{0}', fileName);
if (status.textContent) {
status.textContent = " (Error) " + $('#profilephotosize').attr('data-val').replace('{0}', fileName);
container.style.color = 'Red';
function AllUploaded() {
if (fileErrors > 0) {
alert($('#filesnotuploaded').attr('data-val').replace('{0}', fileErrors));
Private Function ResizeAndSaveImage(ByVal maxWidth As Integer, ByVal maxHeight As Integer, ByVal path As String, ByVal img As Image) As Boolean
'scale the image to maxWidth and maxHeight
'save image
Dim newWidth, newHeight As Integer
Dim scaleFactor As Double
Dim bResult As Boolean
newWidth = img.Width
newHeight = img.Height
If img.Width > maxWidth Or img.Height > maxHeight Then
If img.Width > maxWidth Then
scaleFactor = maxWidth / img.Width
newWidth = Math.Round(img.Width * scaleFactor, 0)
newHeight = Math.Round(img.Height * scaleFactor, 0)
End If
If newHeight > maxHeight Then
scaleFactor = maxHeight / newHeight
newWidth = Math.Round(newWidth * scaleFactor, 0)
newHeight = Math.Round(newHeight * scaleFactor, 0)
End If
End If
'code below copied from: http://www.webcosmoforums.com/asp/321-create-high-quality-thumbnail-resize-image-dynamically-asp-net-c-code.html
Dim bmp As New Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight)
Dim gr As System.Drawing.Graphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
gr.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality
gr.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighQuality
gr.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.High
Dim rectDestination As New System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight)
gr.DrawImage(img, rectDestination, 0, 0, img.Width, img.Height,
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(ChangeExtension(path, "webp"), imageFunctions.EncodeImageToWebP(bmp))
bResult = True
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return bResult
End Function
Protected Sub afuPhoto_UploadedComplete(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUploadEventArgs)
Dim afuPhoto As AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUpload = CType(sender, AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUpload)
Dim pageId As Integer = 9
If ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("isDevelopment") = "false" Then
pageId = 1
End If
Dim allowedPhotos As Integer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("page_photos")
Dim TA As New mysiteTableAdapters.sitephotoalbumsTableAdapter
Dim totalPhotos As Integer = TA.CountPhotosForPageId(pageId)
Session("pageid") = pageId
'ReportError("afuPhoto_UploadedComplete.pageId", pageId.ToString)
If totalPhotos >= allowedPhotos Then
Exit Sub
End If
'code by mitsbits
If afuPhoto.HasFile AndAlso e.State = AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUploadState.Success Then
'only if images are from same location, have same name and are uploaded at time calculated below a conflict could arise...chance minimal!
Dim d As String = (DateTime.Now.Millisecond + DateTime.Now.Second).ToString
If UploadFile(afuPhoto, pageId, d) = GlobalFunctions.ResultType.Success Then
'if file upload successfull update database with photo
TA.Insert(pageId, pageId.ToString + "_" + d + "_" + MakeValidImageName(afuPhoto.FileName), DateTime.Now)
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Function UploadFile(ByVal FU As AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUpload, ByVal locationId As Integer, ByVal curdate As String) As GlobalFunctions.ResultType
Dim filename As String = MakeValidImageName(FU.PostedFile.FileName)
Dim result As GlobalFunctions.ResultType
Dim thumbgalleryPath, galleryPath, largethumbgalleryPath As String
galleryPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("page_photospath").ToString
thumbgalleryPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("page_thumbsphotospath").ToString
largethumbgalleryPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("page_largethumbsphotospath").ToString
If FU.PostedFile.FileName IsNot Nothing And FU.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0 Then
If FU.PostedFile.ContentLength <= 10240000 Then '10MB
If Not filename.ToLower.Contains(".jpg") And Not filename.ToLower.Contains(".png") And Not filename.ToLower.Contains(".gif") And Not filename.ToLower.Contains(".jpeg") Then
Return ResultType.notallowed
End If
Dim imgOriginal As Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(FU.PostedFile.InputStream)
Dim imgOriginal1 As Image = imgOriginal 'this image is used as image is disposed
'save large image and save thumb image
If ResizeAndSaveImage(1200, 1200, Server.MapPath(galleryPath) + locationId.ToString + "_" + curdate + "_" + MakeValidImageName(filename), imgOriginal) And
ResizeAndSaveImage(450, 400, Server.MapPath(largethumbgalleryPath) + locationId.ToString + "_" + curdate + "_" + MakeValidImageName(filename), imgOriginal) And
ResizeAndSaveImage(75, 75, Server.MapPath(thumbgalleryPath) + locationId.ToString + "_" + curdate + "_" + MakeValidImageName(filename), imgOriginal) Then
result = ResultType.Success
End If
End If
End If
If Not result = GlobalFunctions.ResultType.Success Then
'upload failed rollback
GlobalFunctions.DeleteFile(Server.MapPath(galleryPath) + locationId.ToString + "_" + filename)
GlobalFunctions.DeleteFile(Server.MapPath(largethumbgalleryPath) + locationId.ToString + "_" + filename)
GlobalFunctions.DeleteFile(Server.MapPath(thumbgalleryPath) + locationId.ToString + "_" + filename)
End If
Return result
End Function
Protected Sub multiUploader_UploadComplete(sender As Object, e As AjaxControlToolkit.AjaxFileUploadEventArgs) 'Handles multiUploader.UploadComplete
'check if the postback control was the linkbutton 'Opslaan', if it is, abort the upload function
'Dim ctrlname As String = Page.Request.Params.Get("__EVENTTARGET") 'PS. this code does NOT work when checking for postbacks with BUTTON controls
'If ctrlname.ToString <> "" AndAlso (ctrlname.Contains("btnSaveProfile") Or ctrlname.Contains("lbtnSetCoverPhoto")) Then 'save location button was clicked
' Exit Sub
'End If
Dim pageId = 1
Dim TAphotos As New mysiteTableAdapters.sitephotoalbumsTableAdapter
Dim DTphotos As mysite.sitephotoalbumsDataTable = TAphotos.GetPagePhotos(pageId)
Dim allowedPhotos As Integer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("page_photos")
Dim totalPhotos As Integer = DTphotos.Rows.Count
If totalPhotos >= allowedPhotos Then Exit Sub
'code by mitsbits
If e.State = AjaxControlToolkit.AjaxFileUploadState.Success Then 'multiUploader.afuPhoto.HasFile AndAlso
'only if images are from same location, have same name and are uploaded at time calculated below a conflict could arise...chance minimal!
'Dim d As String = (DateTime.Now.Millisecond + DateTime.Now.Second).ToString
Dim d As String = DateTime.Now.Second.ToString + "_" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString
Dim imageWidth, imageHeight As Integer
If e.FileSize > 10240000 Then
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me, Me.GetType(), "newfile",
"alert('file too large');", True)
Exit Sub
End If
'ReportError("e.filename", e.FileName.ToString)
Dim result As GlobalFunctions.ResultType = UploadMultiFile(System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(e.GetStreamContents), e.FileName, pageId, d, imageWidth, imageHeight)
If result = GlobalFunctions.ResultType.Success Then
'if file upload successfull update database with photo
Dim returnval As Integer
'Dim clientIPAddress As String = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR").ToString
returnval = TAphotos.Insert(pageId, pageId.ToString + "_" + d + "_" + MakeValidImageName(e.FileName), DateTime.Now)
ElseIf result = ResultType.invalidtype Then
' ' ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me, Me.GetType(), "newfile",
' '"window.parent.$find('" + multiUploader.ClientID + "').newFileName='invalidfiletype';", True)
' Try
' ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me, Me.GetType(), "newfile",
'"window.parent.$find('" + CType(dvSitePage.FindControl("multiUploader"), AjaxControlToolkit.AjaxFileUpload).ClientID + "').newFileName='invalidfiletype';", True)
' Catch ex As Exception
' End Try
End If
End If
End Sub
Protected Function UploadMultiFile(ByVal imgOriginal As Image, ByVal fileName As String, ByVal pageId As Integer, ByVal curdate As String, ByRef imageWidth As Integer, ByRef imageHeight As Integer) As GlobalFunctions.ResultType
fileName = MakeValidImageName(fileName)
Dim result As GlobalFunctions.ResultType
Dim thumbgalleryPath, origgalleryPath, photopathMedium As String
origgalleryPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("page_photospath").ToString
photopathMedium = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("page_largethumbsphotospath").ToString
thumbgalleryPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("page_thumbsphotospath").ToString
Dim imgOriginal1 As Image = imgOriginal 'this image is used as image is disposed
'save large image and save thumb image
If ResizeAndSaveImage(1200, 1200, Server.MapPath(origgalleryPath) + pageId.ToString + "_" + curdate + "_" + fileName, imgOriginal) And', imageWidth, imageHeight
ResizeAndSaveImage(190, 190, Server.MapPath(photopathMedium) + pageId.ToString + "_" + curdate + "_" + fileName, imgOriginal) And
ResizeAndSaveImage(75, 75, Server.MapPath(thumbgalleryPath) + pageId.ToString + "_" + curdate + "_" + fileName, imgOriginal) Then
result = ResultType.Success
End If
If Not result = GlobalFunctions.ResultType.Success Then
'upload failed rollback
GlobalFunctions.DeleteFile(Server.MapPath(origgalleryPath) + pageId.ToString + "_" + fileName)
GlobalFunctions.DeleteFile(Server.MapPath(thumbgalleryPath) + pageId.ToString + "_" + fileName)
GlobalFunctions.DeleteFile(Server.MapPath(photopathMedium) + pageId.ToString + "_" + fileName)
GlobalFunctions.DeleteFile(IO.Path.ChangeExtension(Server.MapPath(origgalleryPath) + pageId.ToString + "_" + fileName, "webp"))
GlobalFunctions.DeleteFile(IO.Path.ChangeExtension(Server.MapPath(thumbgalleryPath) + pageId.ToString + "_" + fileName, "webp"))
GlobalFunctions.DeleteFile(IO.Path.ChangeExtension(Server.MapPath(photopathMedium) + pageId.ToString + "_" + fileName, "webp"))
'update successfull
End If
Return result
End Function
并且有 3 个请求,最后一个请求以某种方式失败:
请求 1
发起者:https://www .example.com/ScriptResource.axd?d=-9YDjdHizPInlZIfdnhPn9wQrtV-icwCIGM6rMTgL1xcc9eo0V8JJ8oN6GiCmQReZbL-gv3nU-BhwRv3l8r5gubGD2yQ03ZVzdvO2Ko-nvG4Lmxrd4NQGjsi7m-ARIjq0&t=8
请求 2
名称:https ://www.example.com/AjaxFileUploadHandler.axd?contextKey={DA8BEDC8-B952-4d5d-8CC2-59FE922E2923}&controlID=multiUploader&fileId=AF96CF7B-B0EF-A47F-36E6-4E75CABB28D8&fileName=tt-ftp-settings .jpg&chunked=false&firstChunk=true
Status: 200
Initiator: https://www.example.com/ScriptResource.axd?d=-9YDjdHizPInlZIfdnhPn9wQrtV-icwCIGM6rMTgL1xcc9eo0V8JJ8oN6GiCmQReZbL-gv3nU-BhwRv3l8r5gubGD2yQ03ZVzdvO2Ko-nvG4Lmxrd4NQGjsi7m-ARIjq0&t=7d5986a
请求 3
状态: 500
发起者:https ://www.example.com/ScriptResource.axd?d=-9YDjdHizPInlZIfdnhPn9wQrtV-icwCIGM6rMTgL1xcc9eo0V8JJ8oN6GiCmQReZbL-gv3nU-BhwRv3l8r5gubGD2yQ03ZVzdvO2Ko-nvG4Lmxrd4NQGjs=d7-dvG4Lmxrd4NQGjsq
也在此处进行了检查,但这也与 AjaxFileUploadHandler.axd 相关,而不与 ScriptResource.axd 相关。 https://github.com/DevExpress/AjaxControlToolkit/issues/82
我将来自 sridharnethato 的 AjaxFileUploadHandler.axd 的答案添加到我的 web.config 中:AjaxControlToolkit: error raise upload complete event and start new upload 还尝试了此线程中的其他答案。
我当前的问题与 相关ScriptResource.axd
,但我不知道为什么请求 1 成功,但请求 3 却没有,尽管它们看起来几乎相同。
更新 1
从@Greg 开始测试答案,但我在功能上遇到错误SaveImage
: {Message: "An error has occurred.", ExceptionMessage: "A generic error occurred in GDI+.",…}
更新 2
Function UploadFile() As System.Web.Http.IHttpActionResult
Dim httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request
If ValidateImage(httpRequest.Files) Then
Dim file = httpRequest.Files(0)
Dim fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)
Dim galleryPath As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("page_photospath").ToString
Dim filePath As String = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(galleryPath) + fileName
===> HERE filePath IS: "C:\inetpub\example\api2\images\photos\Catan.jpg" where it should be: "C:\inetpub\example\images\photos\Catan.jpg"
Apparently `MapPath` is inserting the route into the path? Any way to prevent this?
SaveImage(file, filePath)
Return Ok()
Return BadRequest()
End If
End Function