我已经成功实现了 Google SafetyNet API,甚至得到了成功的响应。问题是JWSResultfromAttestationResponse是一个散列字符串,而我的期望是得到一个 JSON 作为响应。



    fun callSafetyNetAttentationApi(context: Activity, callback: SafetyNetCallback) {

    if (GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance().isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(context) == ConnectionResult.SUCCESS) {

        val nonce: ByteArray? = getRequestNonce("Safety Net Sample: " + System.currentTimeMillis())
        val client = SafetyNet.getClient(context)

        nonce?.let {
            val task: Task<AttestationResponse> = client.attest(it, BuildConfig.SAFETY_NET_KEY)

            task.addOnSuccessListener { response -> safetyNetSuccess(response, callback) }
                    .addOnFailureListener { callback.isDeviceTrusted(false) }

        } ?: kotlin.run {

    } else {
                .title("The app cannot be used")
                .content("Please update Google Play Services and try again.")
                .onPositive { dialog, which -> context.finish() }

2 回答 2


这是执行后您将收到的典型 JSON 响应safetyNetClient.attest(nonce, apiKey)

   "jwsResult": "foo.bar.zar",
   "uid": "11426643",
   "authCode": "H3o28i\/ViJUPRAW\/q4IUe1AMAbD-2jYp82os9v",
   "app": 1,
   "androidId": "vece15a43449afa9"

foo.bar.zar是一个 base64 编码的字符串,类似于aisnfaksdf.8439hundf.ghbadsjn,其中每个部分对应于:

<Base64 encoded header>.<Base64 encoded JSON data>.<Base64 encoded signature>

您需要进行barBase64 解码才能获得 SafetyNet 结果 JSON:

    private fun extractJwsData(jws: String?): ByteArray? {
        val parts = jws?.split("[.]".toRegex())?.dropLastWhile { it.isEmpty() }?.toTypedArray()
        if (parts?.size != 3) {
            System.err.println("Failure: Illegal JWS signature format. The JWS consists of "
                    + parts?.size + " parts instead of 3.")
            return null
        return Base64.decode(parts[1], Base64.DEFAULT)

然后使用你喜欢的 JSON 库构造 java 对象,例如 GSON:

val model = Gson().fromJson(extractJwsData(jws).toString(), SafetyNetApiModel::class.java)


class SafetyNetApiModel {
    var nonce: String? = null

    var timestampMs: Long? = null

    var apkPackageName: String? = null

    var apkCertificateDigestSha256: List<String>? = null

    var apkDigestSha256: String? = null

    var ctsProfileMatch: Boolean? = null

    var basicIntegrity: Boolean? = null


于 2020-06-25T08:45:51.133 回答

JWS 响应始终是签名结果。获得 JWS 响应后,您必须使用 nonce 从服务器端代码验证它,然后服务器将验证请求,如果它是有效请求,则返回 JSON 响应,如下所示

查看链接将 JWS 响应发送到服务器以进行验证


private OnSuccessListener<SafetyNetApi.AttestationResponse> mSuccessListener =
        new OnSuccessListener<SafetyNetApi.AttestationResponse>() {
            public void onSuccess(SafetyNetApi.AttestationResponse attestationResponse) {
                 Successfully communicated with SafetyNet API.
                 Use result.getJwsResult() to get the signed result data. See the server
                 component of this sample for details on how to verify and parse this result.
                mResult = attestationResponse.getJwsResult();
                Log.d(TAG, "Success! SafetyNet result:\n" + mResult + "\n");

                     TODO(developer): Forward this result to your server together with
                     the nonce for verification.
                     You can also parse the JwsResult locally to confirm that the API
                     returned a response by checking for an 'error' field first and before
                     retrying the request with an exponential backoff.
                     NOTE: Do NOT rely on a local, client-side only check for security, you
                     must verify the response on a remote server!

阅读成功响应中的注释,此代码来自GitHub SafetyNet 示例应用程序

于 2020-06-28T17:56:45.353 回答