我一直在尝试在 PHP 中复制Gnu Find(“find .”),但似乎无法接近它的速度。PHP 实现使用至少两倍于 Find 的时间。有没有更快的方法用 PHP 做到这一点?
编辑:我添加了一个使用 SPL 实现的代码示例——它的性能等于迭代方法
EDIT2:当从 PHP 调用 find 时,它实际上比原生 PHP 实现慢。我想我应该对我所拥有的感到满意:)
// measured to 317% of gnu find's speed when run directly from a shell
function list_recursive($dir) {
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($dh))) {
if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') continue;
$path = "$dir/$entry";
echo "$path\n";
if (is_dir($path)) list_recursive($path);
// measured to 315% of gnu find's speed when run directly from a shell
function list_iterative($from) {
$dirs = array($from);
while (NULL !== ($dir = array_pop($dirs))) {
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
while (false !== ($entry = readdir($dh))) {
if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') continue;
$path = "$dir/$entry";
echo "$path\n";
if (is_dir($path)) $dirs[] = $path;
// measured to 315% of gnu find's speed when run directly from a shell
function list_recursivedirectoryiterator($path) {
$it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path);
foreach ($it as $file) {
if ($file->isDot()) continue;
echo $file->getPathname();
// measured to 390% of gnu find's speed when run directly from a shell
function list_gnufind($dir) {
$dir = escapeshellcmd($dir);
$h = popen("/usr/bin/find $dir", "r");
while ('' != ($s = fread($h, 2048))) {
echo $s;