
static Foo foo = Foo();

// this function should be called ONLY from main program conrol flow
// ONLY after all static variable initialization was complete! ONLY!
int bar()
#ifdef _DEBUG
  if(! CRT_was_initialized_and_main_function_was_called ) ShowErrorMessage();
  if(foo.somefunction() == 2) return 0; else return -1;

//here inattentive programmer will caught error message during debug
const int barConstant = bar();

int main()
  //now all is fine
  const int barConstant = bar();

我该怎么做?如何检查我的函数是否在 main 函数之后被调用?

更新: Foo 对象的初始化代码非常繁重,它可能会很慢,甚至会引发异常

更新2:这样做没有生命问题。大多数情况下,bar 功能之前的注释都可以正常工作。我对某种调试检查感兴趣,以惩罚程序调试版本中粗心的程序员,而不是手动执行此操作。它可能是非标准方式,例如调用一些仅适用于 MSVC 的疯狂内置函数。


5 回答 5


Create a global bool flag that indicates whether main was called or not, initially false. Change it to true inside main(), and only change it there. Not an elegant solution, but a solution to a very weird problem, too.

于 2011-06-04T21:51:29.177 回答

i would go with this function and mainCalled is a global boolean variable what is false by default and changed to true whever main is called:

int bar()
    static bool called = 0;
    if (!mainCalled)
    if (called)
        return -1;
    called = true;
    //do somthing
    return 0;
于 2011-06-04T21:46:46.387 回答

You can simply declare a global variable int main_called = 0; before the function.

In the function you check if the variable is 0 and in main you set the variable to 1.

于 2011-06-04T21:47:25.893 回答

There isn't a portable way to do this. You can of course have your own global that you initialise in main and then uninitialise at the end of main (don't forget to use a constructor/destructor to ensure this works right even when an exception exits main).

On MSVC an easier but non portable way is #prgama init_seg. This gives you three pre-set phases and many more you can create yourself.


于 2011-06-04T21:50:07.380 回答


于 2011-06-04T22:14:29.940 回答