


function EODReportEmail() {

  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("EOD Email Tasks");;        // Use data from the active sheet
  var startRow = 2;                                                                            // First row of data to process
  var numRows = sheet.getLastRow();                                                            // Number of rows to process
  var lastColumn = sheet.getLastColumn();                                                      // Last column
  var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, lastColumn)                             // Fetch the data range of the active sheet
  var data = dataRange.getValues();                                                            // Fetch values for each row in the range

  var recipient = "shea.a.murphy@icloud.com"                                                                              // Email address report will be sent to
  var subject = "Shea Murphy - EOD Email"                                                                              // Subject heading of email e.g. Shea Murphy - EOD Email
  var footer = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("EOD Email Information").getRange("C2");

  // Work through each row in the spreadsheet
  for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
    var row = data[i]; 

 // Assign each column a variable
    var Point1 = row[0];              // Col A: 1st point to be included in email
    var Point2 = row[1];              // Col B: 2nd point to be included in email
    var Point3 = row[2];              // Col C: 3rd point to be included in email
    var Point4 = row[3];              // Col D: 4th point to be included in email
    var Point5 = row[4];              // Col E: 5th point to be included in email

    var Num1 = "<b>1. </b>"           // Number variables for email points
    var Num2 = "<b>2. </b>"
    var Num3 = "<b>3. </b>"
    var Num4 = "<b>4. </b>"
    var Num5 = "<b>5. </b>"

    var Task1 = Num1 + Point1         // Note 1 to be inlcuded in the email
    var Task2 = Num2 + Point2         // Note 2 to be inlcuded in the email
    var Task3 = Num3 + Point3         // Note 3 to be inlcuded in the email
    var Task4 = Num4 + Point4         // Note 4 to be inlcuded in the email
    var Task5 = Num5 + Point5         // Note 5 to be inlcuded in the email

    if (Point1 == undefined) {Task1 = " "};
    if (Point2 == undefined) {Task2 = " "};
    if (Point3 == undefined) {Task3 = " "};
    if (Point4 == undefined) {Task4 = " "};
    if (Point5 == undefined) {Task5 = " "};

  // Build the email message
      var emailBody =  '<b style="font-family:georgia;font-size:18px;font-style:italic; color: #D04A02";>EOD Report</b>';
          emailBody += '<p>Please see what I have worked on today below:<p>';
          emailBody += '<dl><dd>'+ Task1 +'</dd>';
          emailBody += '<dl><dd>'+ Task2 +'</dd>';
          emailBody += '<dl><dd>'+ Task3 +'</dd>';
          emailBody += '<dl><dd>'+ Task4 +'</dd>';
          emailBody += '<dl><dd>'+ Task5 +'</dd>';

          emailBody += '<p>Let me know if you have any questions.<p>';
          emailBody += footer

    // Create the email draft
        recipient,          // Recipients
        subject,            // Subject
        ' ',                // Body
        htmlBody: emailBody,    // Options: Body (HTML)




EOD 电子邮件信息 在此处输入图像描述

EOD 电子邮件任务 在此处输入图像描述



1 回答 1



  • 您想使用 Google Apps 脚本将单元格“C2”中的富文本转换为 HTML 数据。



  • 关于when I run the script it brings back "Range",这个问题的原因是由于脚本的var footer = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("EOD Email Information").getRange("C2");
    • 在这种情况下,检索范围对象。这样,Range被放到电子邮件的页脚。
  • 为了使用从单元格中检索到的富文本作为电子邮件 HTML 正文的页脚,需要将富文本转换为 HTML。




var footer = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("EOD Email Information").getRange("C2");
var range = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("EOD Email Information").getRange("C2");
var footer = range.getRichTextValue().getRuns().reduce((s, r) => {
  let text = r.getText().replace(/\n/g, "<br>").replace(/ /g, "&nbsp;");
  if (r.getLinkUrl()) text = `<a href="${r.getLinkUrl()}">${text}<\/a>`;
  const style = r.getTextStyle();
  const obj = {
    fontFamily: style.getFontFamily(),
    fontSize: style.getFontSize(),
    foregroundColor: style.getForegroundColor(),
    bold: style.isBold(),
    italic: style.isItalic(),
    strikethrough: style.isStrikethrough(),
    underline: style.isUnderline(),
  const fontFamily = obj.fontFamily ? `font-family: '${obj.fontFamily}';` : "";
  const fontSize = obj.fontSize ? `font-size: ${obj.fontSize * 1.333}px;` : "";
  const foregroundColor = obj.foregroundColor ? `color: ${obj.foregroundColor};` : "";
  const bold = obj.bold ? 'font-weight: bold;' : "";
  const italic = obj.italic ? 'font-style: italic;' : "";
  const strikethrough = obj.strikethrough ? 'text-decoration: line-through;' : "";
  const underline = obj.underline ? 'text-decoration: underline;' : "";
  const keys = [fontFamily, fontSize, foregroundColor, bold, italic, strikethrough, underline];
  if (keys.some(e => e != "")) {
    s += `${keys.reduce((str, e) => str += e, '<span style="')}">${text}</span>`;
  } else {
    s += text;
  return s;
}, "");


当您的图像值用于此修改后的脚本时,将检索以下 HTML。(电子邮件地址已更改为示例值。)

<span style="font-family: 'Arial';font-size: 13.33px;color: #000000;">Kind&nbsp;regards&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;--<br></span><span style="font-family: 'Arial';font-size: 13.33px;color: #000000;font-weight: bold;">Shea&nbsp;Murphy</span><span style="font-family: 'Arial';font-size: 13.33px;color: #000000;"><br>Mobile:&nbsp;074xxxxxx93<br>Email:&nbsp;</span><span style="font-family: 'Arial';font-size: 13.33px;color: #1155cc;text-decoration: underline;"><a href="mailto:sample@email.com">sample@email.com</a></span><span style="font-family: 'Arial';font-size: 13.33px;color: #000000;"><br><br></span><span style="font-family: 'Arial';font-size: 13.33px;color: #990000;font-weight: bold;font-style: italic;">For&nbsp;further&nbsp;information&nbsp;-&nbsp;please&nbsp;contact</span>


于 2020-06-15T23:21:25.667 回答