我正在尝试按照 Vue 官方页面中提供的示例,使用 Vue 和 Buble 使用汇总编译 SFC。但我不断收到此错误:
src/wrapper.js → dist/chat.min.js...
[!] (plugin buble) SyntaxError: Unexpected token (2:0)
src\components\Chat.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang.scss (2:0)
1 :
2 : .chat, .chat>*, .chat * {
这是我的 rollup.config.js:
import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs'; // Convert CommonJS modules to ES6
import vue from 'rollup-plugin-vue'; // Handle .vue SFC files
import buble from '@rollup/plugin-buble'; // Transpile/polyfill with reasonable browser support
export default {
input: 'src/wrapper.js', // Path relative to package.json
output: {
name: 'Chat',
exports: 'named',
plugins: [
css: true, // Dynamically inject css as a <style> tag
compileTemplate: true, // Explicitly convert template to render function
buble(), // Transpile to ES5
这是我的 wrapper.js:
// Import vue component
import component from "./components/Chat.vue";
// Declare install function executed by Vue.use()
export function install(Vue) {
if (install.installed) return;
install.installed = true;
Vue.component("chat", component);
// Create module definition for Vue.use()
const plugin = {
// Auto-install when vue is found (eg. in browser via <script> tag)
let GlobalVue = null;
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
GlobalVue = window.Vue;
} else if (typeof global !== "undefined") {
GlobalVue = global.Vue;
if (GlobalVue) {
// To allow use as module (npm/webpack/etc.) export component
export default component;
我尝试从插件中删除 buble,但最终出现错误消息“意外令牌(请注意,您需要插件才能导入不是 JavaScript 的文件)”