I have setup next-18next with my NextJS and React project, the translation works perfectly in my project.
But I keep having the famous following warning :
You have not declared a namespacesRequired array on your page-level component: withI18nextTranslation(Index). This will cause all namespaces to be sent down to the client, possibly negatively impacting the performance of your app. For more info, see: https://github.com/isaachinman/next-i18next#4-declaring-namespace-dependencies
I have declared namespacesRequired in each of my page level component (except 404 page because I have read on the doc that you can't)
I only have functionnal component so I used both getStaticProps and withTranslation.
I have read that sometimes this can happened if you don't have a favicon.ico but I have one (it appears in the tab).
No idea where to look at now... Here is the code of my page that trigger the warning
import React from "react";
import IndexView from "../shared/views/index/index"
import i18nextInstance from "../i18n"
function Index() {
return (
<IndexView />
Index.getInitialProps = async () => ({
namespacesRequired: ["common"]
export default i18nextInstance.withTranslation("common")(Index);
Here is my i18n config.
import NextI18Next from "next-i18next"
const nextI18next = new NextI18Next({
defaultLanguage: "en",
otherLanguages: ['fr'],
localeSubpaths: {
en: 'en',
fr: 'fr'
fallbackLng: "en",
serverLanguageDetection: false,
browserLanguageDetection: false,
detection: {
// check if language is cached in cookies, if not check local storage
order: ["cookie", "localStorage"],
// next-i18next by default searches for the "next-i18next" cookie on server requests
lookupCookie: "next-i18next",
lookupLocalStorage: "i18nextLng",
// cache the language in cookies and local storage
caches: ["cookie", "localStorage"]
react: {
// trigger a rerender when language is changed
bindI18n: "languageChanged",
// we're NOT using suspsense to detect when the translations have loaded
useSuspense: false
export default nextI18next;
My server.js
const express = require('express')
const next = require('next')
const nextI18NextMiddleware = require('next-i18next/middleware').default
const nextI18next = require("./i18n")
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000
const app = next({ dev: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' })
const handle = app.getRequestHandler();
(async () => {
await app.prepare()
const server = express()
await nextI18next.initPromise
server.get('*', (req, res) => handle(req, res))
await server.listen(port)
console.log(`> Ready on http://localhost:${port}`) // eslint-disable-line no-console
Finally my _app.js has this as export line
export default nextI18next.appWithTranslation(App)
If you guys have any idea I would be really glad to ear it :) Thank you.