public View getView(int i, View convertView, ViewGroup viewGroup) {
if (convertView == null) {
// convertView is null. It means the ListView does not have a view to give to you
// This way, you need to create a new one.
// You will enter here until the ListView has enough Views to fill
// the screen.
// So, just inflate the view and set the View holder here.
// Don't customize your view here (set text, contenet etc)
// So, any log message here will be printed only when the ListView becomes visible (and when you scroll to next item)
// After that, views will be re-used so convertView will no longer be null
} else {
// ListView gave a convertView to you. It means that you are receiving a View
// that was created in the past and it is be re-used now.
// At this moment, convertView still has the content of the old item it was
// representing.
// This view was created in the statement above and after user scrolled the ListView
// it becomes hidden and ready to be re-used.
// Don't customize the view here.. just get the ViewHolder from the View
// Here you customize the View. Set content, text, color, background etc
// The ViewHolder is just a helpful class to help you to access
// all View inside the convertView without needing to perform the
// findViewById again.
return convertView;
根据位置控制其中一些的可见性(位置 1 有图像而位置 2 没有)。
private static final int GREY = 1;
private static final int PLAIN = 2;
private static final int TOTAL_VIEW_TYPES = 2; // Grey and Plain
public int getViewTypeCount() {
// Tell the list view that you have two types of Views (Grey and plain)
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
// You must inform view type for given position
String label = myInfo.getLabel();
if (!"".equals(label)) {
return GREY;
} else {
return PLAIN;
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup viewGroup) {
if (convertView == null) {
// If view is null, you must create the view. But you need to create the
// correct view for given position
if(getItemViewType(position) == GREY) {
// Inflate grey;
} else {
// inflate plain
} else {
// convertView is not null. It is being reused.
// Android will give you the proper view here. If you are expecting
// a plain type, that's what you will get. Android won't re-use
// plain layout where you are expecting to have the grey layout.
// It will re-use the proper view for each position (following to the getItemViewType()).
// ListView is very robust.
// Update the view here.. Just remember that here you may have two different
// types of view.. grey or plain.
return convertView;
这些概念最酷的地方在于它们适用于任何使用此 View<->Adapter 关系的视图..
, ListView