I'm interested in using Netty for network communication between a client on one computer and a server on another. The Netty documentation says that the JDK is required to run Netty. However, I'm developing an app that will run on a variety of customer computers, most of which will just have the JRE, not the JDK. I suspect that what the Netty documentation really means is that the JDK (1.5 or 1.6 I think) is required to DEVELOP netty based applications, the deployed application can be run on computers with just the JRE. Is this the case? Can someone experienced with Netty confirm this?

Unfortunately Netty has no easy place to ask this question. the forum just redirects to some user group list that provides some hellish infinite loop of mailing list registration and password requests.

This should be an easy question to answer for anyone who has experience deploing netty based applications on customer computers.


2 回答 2


运行您的应用程序只需要 JRE。您需要 JDK 来运行您的应用程序。

于 2011-06-04T00:45:10.483 回答

Netty是纯java实现,你说的没错,它需要JDK在其中开发服务器和客户端。但是为了运行已开发的应用程序,您只需要一个 JRE,不需要 JDK。

关于注册到用户组。试试下面的链接,在右上角你有注册选项,我认为 JBoss 网站在某些浏览器上有一些问题。尝试使用不同的网络浏览器,它可能适合你。


于 2011-06-04T19:05:54.103 回答