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For cutscenes and automated image sequences you usually have some sort of variables, that handle the states and counters for displaying sprite's sub-images.
But firstly I like to use mainly two main time-related variables in my controller object usually named sys
(counter and counterTime):
c = 0; // and for stepEvent: c += 1; // so it goes +1 per step
ct = 0; // and for stepEvent: ct+= 1 / room_speed; // so it goes +1 per second
During the cutscene you might want to stop everything else that moves:
is_cutscene = false; // objects might not be able to move when this is true
// you still have to implement that by yourself
// player can't move if is_cutscene, nothing happens!!
(except cutscene buttons etc...)
So now when the player gets to a 'cutscene'y object and triggers some cutscene_1 = true
eg. you can have the image/text/sound/animation object come to life/create/active... That object might have in the create event:
duration = 6; // 6 seconds the scene lasts
start_time = sys.ct // and in Step: if sys.ct > (start_time + duration)
// then -> cutscene advance/destroy
Ofcourse - this is super simple and now you could only say implement:
- walk close to a pop-up object
- show an image for 6 seconds
- it dissappears
And it might not be big trouble to implement it... BUT THIS
may also be the foundation for more advanced multi-step sequence and cuts.